help identifying BLDC and a few questions....


New Member
I have a 36 volt, 500 watt brushless front hub electric motor. It’s powered by 3 deep cycle motorcycle batteries wired in series to get the 36 volts. I am not sure about the watts, but would like to be. However, besides testing it in circuit and running, I don’t know how to test watts with my cheap yet beloved multi-meter.

I would like help in identifying it so I can do my own research on it, but there's very little markings on it, and I thought perhaps someone would recognize it.

Also, you can see in the image, there's a 5 pin with 2 motor power connections, and I was wondering if this automatically means its got hall sensors, or if these could just be unused dead wires inside the sealed motor?

Last but not least, I can’t seem to find a reputable supplier of 36v 500w motor controllers anywhere. I tried ali-baba against my better judgment and ended up with a misrepresented 36v 250w brushed controller. Any suppliers or vendors or whatnot folks trust would be greatly appreciated. I’m trying to stay away from bargain basement stuff.

Thanks in advance,

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