Help A2B Metro stopped working


New Member
hi, hope someone can give me a hand , mi bike just stopped working, battery is fully charged and i have cero rsponse from the motor. I was riding as ussual and it just quit on me afer half a mile. Thanks in advance for your help
In case you don't have one here is a link to the manual that has a brief trouble shooting section on page 33: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Definitely check all wire connections. It could be as simple as the brake cut off switch being stuck or the main power connector is not making proper contact. At worst it is an issue internally with the controller which you will have to address with a qualified technician. If the Hub motor itself has been overheated it is possible there are issues inside it also. Good luck!
Thank's a lot for the info. Could you point me to a technician in Mexico city, Mexico? The bike was purchased at a department store and they don't offer service nor parts. Thank's again for your hepl.
Try here:
Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 4.15.25 PM.png
A2B website URL: If that doesn't work for you they may be able to help?
Could also be a matter of a degraded battery that has not been maintained properly by the store, so you are experiencing a low voltage cutout. Check the connectors like JRA sez; that's the first place to look. Also, if you push the motor to do too much (like on a hill) without pedaling then there is an over heat cutout. Let the motor cool, turn the bike off then back on. As JRA noted, there is an email contact for A2B's home office in the US. Keep us in the loop about your ebike!
Thank´s again for your valuable help. You won´t believe what just happened. A technician came to check it out this morning and it just started working as i was showing him the problem. Would you have any clue as to what happened?
:rolleyes: What can I say...maybe an overheat issue that resolved by letting the system cool..or reconnecting the contact points which might have been loose. Best thing is now you know someone to help you in the future AND your bike is working! Keep an eye or two on it, be observant of the conditions should the bike fail again and let us know how the bike is doing.
I owned that bike for 5 years. Don't know what year your bike is, but there were overheating issues on hot days after long runs. depending on the year the controller is either in the motor housing or the down tube.

There are two connectors on the swing arm. Check those are tight.

Other than that, there is a power relay that lets you switch from the a to the b battery. That also fails. But since you have power back. Who knows?
Hi, it´s me again. Guess what? It broke down on me again, now the rear wheel is kind of "stucked" (in short intervals) even with the switch off, pedaling or just pushing the bike is hard. cheked the brakes and they are just fine so i guess it is the motor or controler. Any advice?

Thanks in advance for the help
Put the bike up on the kickstand and try handspinning the rear wheel with the key removed.. If you feel mechanical resistance see if the disc brakes are dragging or wheel or tire are rubbing. If the motor doesn't turn the wheel at all, and you have resistance when you spin the motor, something broke internally or you cooked the motor.
Put the bike up on the kickstand and try handspinning the rear wheel with the key removed.. If you feel mechanical resistance see if the disc brakes are dragging or wheel or tire are rubbing. If the motor doesn't turn the wheel at all, and you have resistance when you spin the motor, something broke internally or you cooked the motor.

Thanks Joe, most be the motor... Any advice on where to get a new one an cost?
@dpliego, I agree with JoePah's assesment. A2B sells replacement motors; you need to talk with them since there are 2 versions of the Metro motor. Last time we replaced one, it ran ~ $450 to $500. Contact them via email or call the main office, 415-695-3115. Kyle, Parker or Wardell are all very knowledgeable about the technical issues with these bikes.
I had a similar problem. I unhooked the motor connector and then the motor moved freely again. The problem was that the controller was short circuited. A current is generated by the motor coils each time it is turned by hand, and that current was being fed back to the motor coil through the shorted controller, which causes a magnetic field that pulls on the permanent magnets causing the drag. Unhook the motor connector and see if the wheel spins freely. I then shorted the pins on the motor plug, and duplicated the problem confirming that the controller was shorted out and not the motor. Another problem I had was that the lights were shorting out and the bike would run erratically. When I turned the lights off the bike would quit. I ripped out all of the light wiring and now am fine. This bike is one rats nest of wires. The last thing I did was ripped out all the brake motor cutoff switches and wires. Those switches are overkill in my opinion. I also ripped out that annoying pedal assist unit. each time you bump the pedals the bike would take off on you, before you were even on it. too many bells and whistles and I just want a bike that works, not just something that looks good in the parking lot.
I had a similar problem. I unhooked the motor connector and then the motor moved freely again. The problem was that the controller was short circuited. A current is generated by the motor coils each time it is turned by hand, and that current was being fed back to the motor coil through the shorted controller, which causes a magnetic field that pulls on the permanent magnets causing the drag. Unhook the motor connector and see if the wheel spins freely. I then shorted the pins on the motor plug, and duplicated the problem confirming that the controller was shorted out and not the motor. 2nd problem was that the lights were shorting out and the bike would stop when I turned the lights off.. I ripped out all of the light wiring . This bike is one rats nest of wires. The last thing I did was ripped out all the brake motor cutoff switches and wires. Then problem came back, and I opened up the motor and found that the hall sensors were bad, the motor was full of water, after only 10 months of use, the magnets had all fallen off the magnet ring, the one hall sensor was totally shorted out, and the power wires that go into the hub, were worn to bare wire, this was causing the power to short onto the axle and then killing the hall sensors, that in turn fried the controller. What a piece of work this metro is. This bike makes a nice lawn ornament, but is definitely not worth the $4200 I paid for it.


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