Hello from California Central Coast! Just ordered my first e-bike...

I just ordered my first ebike today. A couple hours later I was shocked to discover that I have never actually ridden one. I have been lurking around ebike forums, watching Court's reviews and other people's videos, reading crazy technical and epic threads -for years!- while saving my meager bike-money and trying to decide which way to go...
Build it? Buy it? Front hub or rear hub? Geared or direct drive? Mid-drive? How much power? Which battery?!
Made up my mind and changed it over and over. I have ridden thousands of ebike miles in my head.
I tried to get one of my local bike shops interested in helping me to build one up, but no go. I tried to save enough to buy the one I am a little in love with, but that wasn't working, either (How does the family car and the large appliances know when I'm saving for something else?). I would have preferred to buy one from a local bike shop, but no one here seems to want to sell them. Go 50 or 60 miles north or south, and there are several choices, but I don't drive and seldom go out of town. One time I did make a trip to Santa Barbara to test ride and maybe buy one, but when I got there, it was a festival weekend, and the place was packed with tipsy pedestrians and desperate drivers. I am not a timid rider, but it was just too scary to ride a strange bike through that, so I only got to look. I have seen how happy the people on the rental Pedigos are when we do one of our favorite rides by the beach in SLO county, but never had the chance to rent one myself. More than once I researched a bike and decided to purchase, only to find that they were unobtainable in any size except extra-small.
So, my Juiced Cross Current S is on the way, I can hardly wait to ride it! For real.
I just ordered my first ebike today. A couple hours later I was shocked to discover that I have never actually ridden one. I have been lurking around ebike forums, watching Court's reviews and other people's videos, reading crazy technical and epic threads -for years!- while saving my meager bike-money and trying to decide which way to go...
Build it? Buy it? Front hub or rear hub? Geared or direct drive? Mid-drive? How much power? Which battery?!
Made up my mind and changed it over and over. I have ridden thousands of ebike miles in my head.
I tried to get one of my local bike shops interested in helping me to build one up, but no go. I tried to save enough to buy the one I am a little in love with, but that wasn't working, either (How does the family car and the large appliances know when I'm saving for something else?). I would have preferred to buy one from a local bike shop, but no one here seems to want to sell them. Go 50 or 60 miles north or south, and there are several choices, but I don't drive and seldom go out of town. One time I did make a trip to Santa Barbara to test ride and maybe buy one, but when I got there, it was a festival weekend, and the place was packed with tipsy pedestrians and desperate drivers. I am not a timid rider, but it was just too scary to ride a strange bike through that, so I only got to look. I have seen how happy the people on the rental Pedigos are when we do one of our favorite rides by the beach in SLO county, but never had the chance to rent one myself. More than once I researched a bike and decided to purchase, only to find that they were unobtainable in any size except extra-small.
So, my Juiced Cross Current S is on the way, I can hardly wait to ride it! For real.

Great story indeed! Welcome to the world of the ebike purchase dilemma!! I think we all seem to have many points to ponder for our first purchase and have done as you have. Make thousands of comparisons and still come up stagnant. Welcome to the club.
The CCS is a great start for a 1st ebike IMHO. I was in the same pair of shoes. With all these great new additions and offerings, I am on my way to researching all over again for my next purchase. However, still searching for the ultimate ride. Good Luck with your new bike!!
Thanks, bob! I hope you find a great one, too. It is amazing how fast the offerings out there change, and how much the innovators are innovating! I will probably have to keep on researching, not because I think I won't love the one that's on the way, but because I have a feeling that these things are like potato chips- it's going to be hard to have just one.
Hi, Vincent! I bet I will! I have a little vaguely-formed plan to get other people around here to fall in love with it too, and maybe get some ebike converts. hahaha.
As a relative newbee to the e-bike world, welcome on board! If you are like the rest of us, you will be riding more often and further than you ever imagined.

Let us know how you like your new bike once, you have had a chance to ride it. Does it live up to your expectations, exceed them fall short? What works for you and what doesn't and why? If you could change it, what would you do?
Hi Alaskan! Thanks! I will definitely let everyone know how I like it. It is going to have a lot of work to do. I am not small. There is nowhere flat for miles around, and the wind blows hard here, a lot. I like to carry cargo, (groceries, sometimes a small dog or two) I might even use my Mutt trailer with it someday. I am even thinking about getting a gopro so that I can do some video of how it climbs some of the hills around here. If I do, I will be sure to learn how to share it with everyone. :)
Badger,liked your story and can relate. I'll be picking up my first bike pretty soon after lots and lots of research. I can't tell you how obsessed I've gotten into this subject. Wife thinks I'm crazy. I just think it's gonna change my life, get me outdoors and give me a wonderful new element...
Badger,liked your story and can relate. I'll be picking up my first bike pretty soon after lots and lots of research. I can't tell you how obsessed I've gotten into this subject. Wife thinks I'm crazy. I just think it's gonna change my life, get me outdoors and give me a wonderful new element...

Kurt- I received the same response from friends/ family members. Anytime I have a chance to mention the subject during casual conversation,
I try to slip it in there. As Badger said: Like eating potato chips or Mickey D fries. Just can't stop. These great machines will change your life on many levels. I just hope they are here to stay with all of the innovations moving forward...
Badger,liked your story and can relate. I'll be picking up my first bike pretty soon after lots and lots of research. I can't tell you how obsessed I've gotten into this subject. Wife thinks I'm crazy. I just think it's gonna change my life, get me outdoors and give me a wonderful new element...
My neighbors, the guys at my local bike shops, random people who will listen...they've all heard something about it from me, for sure! My husband "gets" it, but has been a little frustrated with my examination of all the choices for a while ("just pick something, anything for goodness sake!" he's thinking). I think he will be happy that I have put so much effort into my choice, when I let him ride it. He will be really happy when I go for ebike #2, and he gets to use this one! There are going to be some converts around here among the skeptics, I am sure!
As you folks state, it's a little difficult making a choice because a) im crazy anal about my decision, b) the world of Ebike sales is getting so... busy, and c) the technology and designs are getting better and better and I don't want to miss out. What is the young people say... FOMO? But I'm not gonna miss the season, so ready or not, pulling the trigger soon! Yes Badger, may need two, eventually.
The new CCS has arrived! It got here just before dark, so I haven't had a chance to ride it with power yet (charging...). My first impressions are:
It was packed carefully. It was pretty easy to get it out of the carton and set up to roll around, we do have lots of experience with basic maintenance of traditional bikes.
It is a really nice-looking bike, everyone else who saw it commented on it, too. It is the matte black one.
It rides nice (just a couple quick trips up and down my relatively flat street) even with no power. My husband likes the way it rides, too. I wouldn't go looking for hills to climb with no power, but relatively flat is easy-peasy, if slow.
It got dark too fast for me to do anything else to or with it tonight, tomorrow I plan to dial in some adjustments like moving the seat back and up, and lubing the chain.