Hello from Berlin/ Amsterdam! plus how to buy an e-bike?


New Member
Hello everybody,

I am Alex. I just moved to Amsterdam from Berlin and I figured that having a bike is a real advantage in this city.
I am 33 years old and I was quite impressed when driving my first e-bike.
Right now I want to start looking to buy my first one and hope to get some guidance here (mainly for commuting and some weekend trips)
For me the market as of now ist just completely intransaprent.
I started looking on Fietsenwinkel.nl and also heared from Stella.

How would you experts recommend me to start my research and which brands/ stores (online or offline I do not mind) can you recommend?

Thanks and best,
Alex ...
. You have moved to ebike commuting paradise!

I've just read through the fietsenwinkel.nl ebike info page which gives basic, non-controversial, advice; however, if their boast to be de grootse fietsenwinkel van Nederland is correct, it is a good place to start your search for an ebike.

I think quite a number of us would very much like to ride around Amsterdam on a traditional omafiets - I've chosen the Cortina E-U4 Transport N7 Dames for my Amsterdam ebike because it's so alluringly different (front hub motor with roller drum brakes!) and I love its curvy frame in chocolate brown.
... David
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Hello blaupulp,
I heard that more E bikes are sold in the Netherlands than any other E. U. country currently. So I would start test riding all that are available in your area. There must be local shops all over the place that sell them. I have had a Stromer St2 from Switzerland, and still am happy with it. High dollar , but high satisfaction. I would love to ride it on the Amstel River trails. So jealous of your cycling infrastructure. Enjoy .
The ebike standards in Amsterdam are quite different from that in the USA. Most of our market exceeds Euro limits for speed. In my opinion, you have a much busier, but still more relaxed and pleasureable environment for riding.

Check the local stores and see what your peers are riding. Have fun!