Hello - another UK e-bike newbie here


Active Member
Hello all,

bought my first e-bike last week, a Giant Fastroad E+ EX Pro - what a mouthful of a model name !

it’s going to be used for some leisure cycling, along with my partner on her Kalkhoff Groove. Truth be told my previous full suspension MTB was never going to keep up with her; at least not with the big bobbly tyres (the lardy rider had nothing to do with the lack of pace !).

so far so good, bar the eride app but that’s for another thread and hopefully being resolved by Giant shortly - fingers crossed.

I considered the Trek Allant 7 and the Cube Kathmandu, both with 500wh batteries; ultimately the 375 in the fastroad will be plenty for my use. Just finding a bike to physically buy is difficult enough these days; local COVID-19 lockdowns not helping my quest either.

hope to learn a lot and share my limited knowledge where I can

Welcome Percymon, there’s plenty of friendly, knowledgeable and helpful members here for your questions and you are always welcome to jump in and offer your experience and advice. Good luck and ride safe.
Welcome to the Forums, Percy! Once the RideControl 2.0 is released, all of us, Giant e-bike owners will be extremely happy :)

Please tell me: Is your e-bike the 15.5 mph restricted or a faster one? The reason I'm asking is that e-bike is only available in certain countries.

Regarding you buying an e-bike to match your partner on rides is not uncommon... Many happy rides!
Thanks all for the warm welcome

@Stefan Mikes - UK law dictates its the 15.5mph version, although the pre purchase test ride didn't stop me going over the limit lol! There are of course ways to defeat / cheat the limiter but its fine as it stands for me - i'm not a quick rider. I'm sure coverting to e will make the experience a whole lot nicer. I'm working from home in the covid days, and no sign that i'll return to the office before Christmas; i've not bought it to commute but if i could find somewhere to partly cycle i may well consider it in future (my commute is 27 miles of dual lane/motorway; probably 35 miles on a route of back roads.

My biggest surprise was how heavy the bike felt when i switched off the e assist; switching back into eco just made the bike feel weightless. I can't say i tried it much, if at all on her ladyship's Kalkhoff so it was very interesting experience.
I agree that e-bikes are heavy. It is easy to find out how much the assistance gives you just past the 15.5 mph when the motor goes off. Reportedly, Creo SL and Vado SL are different in the sense these are lightweight and totally disengage the motor past the limiter but I rode none of them to get a real feeling.
Hi i ride a 15 mile loop but most of this is non electric i manage 23 mph before running out of gearing elec kicks in when i drop down to 15 mph going up hills this is what i bought electric for.Usually do about 30 to 40 miles each ride i have a Giant anyroad road bike but now prefer electric,and mid motor means i still have to pedal.
Hope your enjoying bike had mine about 5 weeks now so far rode 645 mls all good ,battery seems to last long time but on my rides 90% of time i am not using battery i can pedal at 20mph only use battery below 15 mph which is what i bought this for.
25 days since collection - odometer reading 21 miles.

In fairness I didn't ride it the first 10 days due to the app not working, bike firmware and software updates needed. All sorted in 30 minutes at Giant Bristol service dept.

Two 10 mile rides with the wife since. Our plans for the weekend ride were put on hold by wet n windy weather; took the opportunity to replace brake pads on her Kalkhoff, only to discover the rear brake cable starting to fray, and then going very stiff in the outer sleeve - now waiting on new cables. Also took the opportunity to fit the 113dB alarm under the seat, just about fits, and is even less obvious with the seat bag refitted