Has anyone received their May pre-order?

Pshh, at this point I would have paid you what you paid for the RCS just to get one and skip this waiting for 2 months just to PLACE my order. At least I have alternatives lined up now ... spent the last 2 hours creating a spreadsheet with similar bikes and listing their specs and prices. This analysis paralysis is driving me nuts !!
A friend said I should have sold it to the highest bidder. I ain’t that guy.
That's the only point I was making. Your post insinuates I'm being impatient. I don't mind waiting. I don't like being promised one delivery date and hearing nothing about why the date had to be pushed back. I get that these things take time to build and deliver. I just appreciate being kept vaguely aware of what's going on. Keeping customers in the dark when they are participating in what is, essentially, the crowdfunding of these bikes is not a way to earn most peoples' trust. Credulous folks might disagree.

I agree with you. I am not happy with Juiced Bikes at all they promised me a late May delivery and no shipping information, the only email I received said when they get the batteries and bikes than I’ll get my bike RCS shipped. That is a pepthetic excuse, so I guess if I decide not to cancel I’ll get my April order in July, August or later.
Last week Juiced was still taking orders for batteries and they were using the lack of lack batteries as the excuse for the hold up on shipping out bikes. Juiced get your act together or hire people that can run the company properly. Your just a Crowd Funded Company from what I have read. Let the fan boys now stick up for Juiced.
So I had a crazy turn of events the past few days. I was smack in the middle of the pack for the second batch of RCSs. A guy I've been chatting with online who received his RCS at the end of April had been keeping me updated on his bike. He had a bunch of small QC issues- stripped bottle cage bosses, improperly installed fender, among other things. Then he had a major motor/ controller malfunction. I learned over the weekend that he had finally gotten to speak with a real person after getting nothing but emails suggesting he try doing all of the things he had already tried before even contacting them more than a week ago. He was frustrated when I talked with him last Thursday. Finally on Friday of last week I decided to pull the plug. It didn't look like I'd be getting my bike any time soon. The Juiced website is vague regarding delivery (as most folks around here know), and the RCS page said the 2nd batch was due to start shipping in mid June.

When I had first started looking at ebikes, my dream bike was a Stromer ST2. On Friday, I got some good financial news at work. I started looking at ST2s again. I found a dealer with a white ST2 demo with less than 5 miles on it. He offered it to me for a spectacular price. I ordered it. It's shipping today.

Then, half an hour ago I got an email from Pilotdelivers.com (Juiced's delivery company) with a manifest for my RCS!

For 10 minutes I agonized over which to cancel.

In the end, I went with the Stromer. It was the bike I originally wanted, and the extra money I just got, coupled with the screaming deal on the Stromer sealed the deal. I have to say, though, that a huge factor was nervousness surrounding the RCS. I can deal with waiting as long as I'm kept informed. What I can't deal with is a company that is apparently stretched so thin that they can't respond quickly to issues with nearly-new bikes. What happens when I have a similar issue to my friend and there are a thousand more bikes out there? How can they service the bikes they can barely deliver while trying to deliver even more and shipping them with inadequate QC?

I really, really wish Juiced and its customers the very best. I hope these growing pains are just that. I think the innovative design and components are leagues above what other direct competitors are offering. But without a dealer support network and without delivering a first rate buying experience, they're going to make more and more people think twice about buying from them. I know they read this forum, and I hope they see this. The bikes are awesome. But with a big ticket item (this is a big ticket item for me) the service and commitment of the company are every bit as important. Answering direct questions with vague or patronizing platitudes like, "Don't worry, it'll be worth the wait", or "We want to make sure we're helping you in the right way", is not a remedy for a question like "Why can't I talk to someone about this particular problem I'm having?". Vague answers are not "helping in the right way". Responsive communication and prompt followthrough is the right way.

Sorry for the long, dramatic, preachy post. In the end I get a great bike, and someone else gets their RCS sooner than they would have otherwise. A win win.

Wear your helmet,

No doubt that you made the right choice and don't let no one tell you different, I wish I could send mine back.
I'm ordering tonight !!!! Only ... it won't be a Rip Current. It's been real, but my time waiting for one of these mythical beasts to come back in stock has reached its end. From where I was 2 months ago, thinking the RCS was the ONLY bike for me, to today, my thought process has been all over the map, and I took some hardcore riders advice and settled on a 27.5 plus hardtail with a mid drive for the same price as the RCS.

You all know how I advocated for Juiced from the very get go, and I applaud any of you for having the patience to hang in there on this one, but I personally am done waiting. I honestly feel I am not done with Juiced, as I fully intend to revisit the fatbikes NEXT year and buy a second bike, but for right now I am moving on. By then, we all will have a much better feel on how things will shake out for Juiced.

So in the words of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air: Yo Holmes, smell ya later !! :cool:
Honestly, it's a little perplexing why people are waiting so hard on the RCS. When I looked last, there seemed to be a lot more competition with fatbikes (Biktrix, Radpower, M2S, Voltbikes) than with a CCS-style fast city commuter. There really isn't an alternative to the CCS without sacrificing on the battery or paying a lot more.
I'm not sure is selling stuff here is frowned upon, but I have a few things I bought for my RCS that I no longer need, including:

Luna 48V advanced charger (charge at 1-5 amps and to 80%, 90% or 100%) with 4-pin XLR adapter cable
2 Vee Speedster 26 X 3.5 street tires
Lizzard Skin neoprene fork boots
Offset box wrench for rear wheel removal.

The total for the parts (I made the XT60> 4Pin XLR cable myself) was $204. None of the items have been used at all.

If anyone is interested I'd sell it all (not interested in parting it out) for $125 including shipping. Essentially the cost of the charger and parts and labor for the adapter alone. If the buyer wants to insure the shipping for more than what UPS offers as standard, that would be on them.

Sorry if sales posts are prohibited. If I should post this somewhere else I'm sure someone will tell me.
Hey Walkin what bike have you chosen to go with? All this waiting does make us keep looking for alternative $2,000 plus ebikes.
Darrin, I wanted to keep the focus of the thread on track, so I neglected providing that detail simply because I felt it was not necessary. I will give you a big hint - just check my post history and you can easily find the thread I started. I very much value Ravi's opinion, so I went with his suggestion.

What I did not anticipate was how fast that bike would sell. I called the usual big bike e-merchants and spoke with a few sales guys, and they sold the last one last week. Apparently plus sized 27.5s are a very hot ticket now. So I spent the next hour following every single link to that bike - I think I checked 9 different e-merchants, and only TWO had them in stock, at $2999 and $3299 (t retails for $3599. What a bargain !!! I was on my last web link before I was giving up, and wouldn't you know it, they had it in stock !! And at $2199, it wasn't the best deal, but it was $200 more than the best deal, so I was happy.

I will say that what I went with is not at all like the Rip Current ... I had to re-evaluate why I was buying a fat tire for the flat rail trails that I ride, and I soon realized that it just wasn't the best platform for those trails. I am not done shopping for an RCS, but I am done right NOW looking for one. I fully anticipate buying a Rip Current maybe next year or more likely the following year simply because I want a completely different ride for competely different trails that I anticipate riding in the future. I have only gotten serious about riding since last April, so I am very new to the hobby.
There really isn't an alternative to the CCS without sacrificing on the battery or paying a lot more.

I ended up cancelling my CCS order and purchased a new iZip Protour from my LBS. The battery is indeed smaller, the range is enough for my use but I got the bike for $155 less than the CCS and a lifetime transferable warranty. I'm sure I would have been happy with the CCS, but there are good and competitive choices out there; hopefully, for their sake, JB will be able to straighten out their supply line and procurement issues.
Whelp, I am throwing in the towel and cancelling my order. I know the CCS might be ready to actually ship soon, days or weeks. But I can't have the $2k tied up that long with nothing but a few emails to show for it. I hope more patient people enjoy their bikes, and I hope Juiced fixes their supply chain and related issues, so an order could mean a prompt "we are building your bike and will ship in a matter of days" response.
I just got the confirmation of the order cancellation. I wanted to point out two small things. The order title itself had been changed to "CrossCurrent S (650W) - Pre-order for Mid-June '18 × 1", but when I purchased this in April it was for the May pre-order. I think that is pretty sneaky, to change the date of the pre-order like that. Now, it is entirely possible that that is just the title of the latest model available for purchase, and it may well be a complete non-issue. The other thing is that customer service said to wait 3-5 days for the complete refund. I haven't checked my bank account yet, but if they can take payment in full, they should be able to instantly refund in full. Just more sour grapes form me, I guess, but this Juice left a bad taste in my mouth.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Just about as bad as "Congradulations", which I actually saw on someone's cake that came from a large bakery in town. Hooked on Phonics wasn't meant for the business world.
I just got the confirmation of the order cancellation....The other thing is that customer service said to wait 3-5 days for the complete refund. I haven't checked my bank account yet, but if they can take payment in full, they should be able to instantly refund in full.

That's normal. It only takes a few seconds to issue a refund, but after that a few days for the bank to post it. I get static from my customers when a bank takes a really long time to post a refund.
It looks like they are trying to hire more CS reps:
Juiced Bikes Job https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/e-bike-customer-service-support-technician-at-juiced-riders-inc-700311633/
day late and a dollar short as far as I'm concerned.
Ugh. My bikes were scheduled to be delivered Friday. They were in my town today, possibly for early delivery, but have been sent back because they were damaged. Juiced said a replacement would be shipped, but has no idea when.
Ugh. My bikes were scheduled to be delivered Friday. They were in my town today, possibly for early delivery, but have been sent back because they were damaged. Juiced said a replacement would be shipped, but has no idea when.

Bummer! What was the damage? Hope the replacements come quickly!