Has anyone received their May pre-order?

I opened a ticket a few days ago to ask for an update on May pre-orders (CCS with medium battery for me), and haven't heard anything yet. Has anyone gotten a shipping confirmation or heard any updates on these supposed May pre-orders?
Nothing yet. I ordered mine (RCS, 19.2) at the end of March. As much as I hope to see a notification saying its on its way every time I check my email, I'm under no illusions that it will be terribly soon.
Based on prior info, orders up to March 15th were part of the 1st RCS wave (although they ran out of 19aH batteries for orders placed late March 13th - 15th).

So, they still need 19aH batteries for those of us in the last part of wave1, then wave 2 would be late night March 15th -... I seems like April 20th is when everything went sold out, but that is just based on my random sampling. (Wave 2 being May Pre-order)..

It seems they are already selling out on some frame/color/battery combo's for the June preorder. So if the May shipment arrives next week - then they will be filling (first in, first out) orders.
So I ordered a CCS with the 52V battery in early March for an April delivery. My last email from Juiced gave me a projected shipping between May 9th and 16th. I'm not exactly holding my breath on that one though. So just for perspective, May CCS orders are gonna be a while, as they are still working on April.
For whatever reason Juiced finds it either unimportant to keep us informed, or they have a good reason to keep us uninformed. Either way it doesn’t inspire confidence in the company.

Yea agreed. This is nothing new. Goes back to the HyperFat last year.
@Chris Hammond - You ordered your RCS before March 12th? So you should get yours a few days before me, assuming battery supplies of the 21aH and 19aH are good.

@Chuck E. Cheese Where are you getting this wild speculation from?:
Juiced finds it either unimportant to keep us informed, or they have a good reason to keep us uninformed

I have never had a problem with getting a shipping update from Juiced - you talk/email/chat with a customer service rep who tries to talk to someone in shipping or order processing or [once your bike has arrived] someone in the warehouse and 1-2 days later you get an update.

Now if you were complaining that they miss their estimated dates. . well yes the customer service people have been less than precise. That happens when you buy products that aren't built yet. Its not like most Kickstarter projects ship on schedule -- compared to kickstarter Juiced is getting RCS out quickly :) HyperFat, that it seems had a wait time more like a kickstarter project.

If I had ordered 13aH battery, or was willing to settle for a temporary 13aH battery I would have had my bike April 23-25th, but I didn't want to receive the bike unless it had the 19aH.
Still Juiced tried to do right by those of us in the tail end of the 1st wave when they ran out of 19aH batteries.

I think you, Chuck, posted that you ordered your RCS in Late March, so why are you so negative?

If I had accepted the bike with 13aH my order would have been only a few days later than the estimate given in chat before I purchased. Granted that was with a smaller battery but I can understand that they mis-judged how many would commit to the 19aH - heck even the 52V seems to sell out blazing fast.

Am I frustrated that it will be 2 months after my credit card was charged before I get my bike - you betcha.

But as far as I can tell they didn't deceive me. They were upfront on the order page that this was "Pre Order". When I chatted online the most common answer was (paraphrasing here) 'you are buying a bike that is either close to shipping from China or already on a ship, but not yet here in the USA. Once here it still has to go through final assembly and QA and shipping and that can take a few weeks. Your order will be fulfilled on a first in first out basis'

So why Chuck are you implying nefarious intent? Are you just frustrated or have you seen something concrete? (If so all of us who are waiting want to know).

(BTW, I have all of my online chat sessions with Juiced support logged, and all phone calls are followed up with an email summarizing the salient points of the phone call -- I may be supportive but I try not to be a fool)

Product delivery delays are common.
There has been a 3 month delay on Tern GSD bikes. And that's a $4000 product. A lot goes into making these bikes, especially at the price point juiced is selling at.
Product delivery delays are common.
There has been a 3 month delay on Tern GSD bikes. And that's a $4000 product. A lot goes into making these bikes, especially at the price point juiced is selling at.

Ravi, do you have any insight into the battery supply chain/delay issues? I'm a little surprised that's the limiting factor, instead of the bikes? Batteries are smaller, and come by air not sea.
@Chris Hammond


So why Chuck are you implying nefarious intent? Are you just frustrated or have you seen something concrete? (If so all of us who are waiting want to know).


I don’t mind waiting. As I’ve mentioned before, I totally understand there are a lot of pieces in the Juiced Bikes puzzle, and I get that a single vendor can screw up the whole timeframe by being late. I’m merely asking a question. Why is Juiced so cagey with the timeframe? I don’t expect private emails or special attention. But I do believe they owe customers an explanation when the ship date gets pushed back to double (or more- sometimes much more) the original promised date. It will take as long as it takes. But I’d like to know what I can realistically expect. No affront to you or anyone else intended.
I don’t mind waiting. As I’ve mentioned before, I totally understand there are a lot of pieces in the Juiced Bikes puzzle, and I get that a single vendor can screw up the whole timeframe by being late. I’m merely asking a question. Why is Juiced so cagey with the timeframe? I don’t expect private emails or special attention. But I do believe they owe customers an explanation when the ship date gets pushed back to double (or more- sometimes much more) the original promised date. It will take as long as it takes. But I’d like to know what I can realistically expect. No affront to you or anyone else intended.

Honestly, I think it's just amateur customer service and understaffing.

I asked a question to customer service, and the respondent made little effort to understand my question. I figured it out myself.
I'm in the same situation. Ordered April 8 with an expectation of receiving my bike in May. Now I guess it is either human nature or just my nature but on May 1st I wanted a notification my bike was ready to go! I'm very anxious to get my bike but right now any update would be appreciated. I check the forum on Juices website daily as it seems one notification on it would be a very proactive move on Juices part. It would probably cut down on the individual emails/phone calls they have to be receiving. (Yes I sent one too. No, I have not received any type of reply.)
Here's the way I look at it though: I've been without this bike for well over 40 years. What's a few more weeks. I've still got two 'all me' powered bikes that I enjoy riding. And I have something to look forward to!
Product delivery delays are common.
There has been a 3 month delay on Tern GSD bikes. And that's a $4000 product. A lot goes into making these bikes, especially at the price point juiced is selling at.

My LBS also mentioned issues or delays in Customs and in shipping for imported bikes or frames. Not sure what is going on. LBS mentioned hearing through their channels that there are delays in getting electric and non electric stock they had expected for spring selling season. Just what I heard ...
Ordered my RCS with 13ah battery on 2/23/18 for 4/23/18 delivery. CS said it would ship yesterday if not earlier ...well they missed that date. So it's not the batteries is my guess.
@Glenn-rod You ordered your RCS on Feb 23rd with a 13aH battery and still haven't received it??????
That's not good.

I would open a support ticket right now (https://juicedbikes.happyfox.com/new) with a subject of "Feb 23rd Order #[your order number] still has not shipped" then in the sections below include your order number again (DON'T post that here), email address, your phone.

You should receive an email within 10-15 minutes with a ticket number.

Then call Juiced bikes phone number and leave a message with: "My Fed 23rd RCS order still hasn't shipped. My Order number is [Your Order number] and support ticket of [#JBxxxxxxx], please call me back ASAP at ###-###-####"

If no one has responded by 5pm pacific time Monday, I would create a new post here with "My Feb 23rd RCS order has not shipped. Juiced please respond to my open ticket" as subject.
@Glenn-rod You ordered your RCS on Feb 23rd with a 13aH battery and still haven't received it??????
That's not good.

I would open a support ticket right now (https://juicedbikes.happyfox.com/new) with a subject of "Feb 23rd Order #[your order number] still has not shipped" then in the sections below include your order number again (DON'T post that here), email address, your phone.

You should receive an email within 10-15 minutes with a ticket number.

Then call Juiced bikes phone number and leave a message with: "My Fed 23rd RCS order still hasn't shipped. My Order number is [Your Order number] and support ticket of [#JBxxxxxxx], please call me back ASAP at ###-###-####"

If no one has responded by 5pm pacific time Monday, I would create a new post here with "My Feb 23rd RCS order has not shipped. Juiced please respond to my open ticket" as subject.
no - it is frustrating...I followed your suggestion above now I just have to wait and see.
Based on prior info, orders up to March 15th were part of the 1st RCS wave (although they ran out of 19aH batteries for orders placed late March 13th - 15th).

Ouch. I had an order for two bikes on March 10, but then made a change on March 14 which created a new order in their system. No ship notification yet.