Haibike sDuro Yamaha


Thought I'd start a thread for those of you who want to discuss things Yamaha.

I would like to know what would be involved in converting a European bike restricted to 25k, to the US restriction of 20mph or 32k.
In particular what components would have to been changed, can they be sourced & the cost.

Yes I know about the dongles, but would prefer to use stock components.
Why wouldn't you just pick up a US spec sduro? Do they not change the programming for the U.S. Market for the equivalent model and leave it at 15mph max?
Sorry, should have said, I'm in New Zealand.
Only ones available to me were European spec.

Be good if was just a matter of re-programming.
Although finding someone capable of doing it may be a challenge.
I think it would be alot easier to just buy a dongle ("Bikespeed-RS" or "Speedbox-2") easy to fit yourself and would give assist up to 30mph (50K). If you have a problem with the bike and it was still under warrenty or you want to sell it at any time you can easily take the device it off. I have "Bikespeed-RS" fitted and have had no problems so far.I must say I have only had the bike a week though, but use it get to work every day (22mile round trip) and would not go back to a restricted 15m(30k) model.
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Yes I may look into that now that you have found one that shows the correct speed.
Tell me, are all the other readouts correct?
I think I'll put it on hold till next spring.
With winter coming on the bike won't be getting a lot of use.
By then there may be other options available.
Preferably something that doesn't void the warranty.
What regulates the speed on the bike, is it the LCD panel? Does a panel from a different country give a different speed?

What regulates the speed on the bike, is it the LCD panel? Does a panel from a different country give a different speed?


Sorry for the late reply.
It's my understanding the brain is in the motor area.
I have two bikes the same & have swapped over the LCD panels.
The data stays with the bike, not the panel.
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they (dealers) able to scan the "brain" and see if you've operated over the limit w a dongle?
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they (dealers) able to scan the "brain" and see if you've operated over the limit w a dongle?
If the dongle halves the number of pings from the wheel magnet, the brain will never know it's been fooled.