Greetings from a prospectiv Stromer-owner :-) Anyone of you tryed a Grace One-bike ?


Active Member
First of all; I am happy to found this Stromer forum :) After an hour of Reading thru postings; I know there are many enthusiastic Stromer-users hier; who share their experiences, knowledge and opinions. I appreciate that. I look forward to continue look thru old and New postings :)

At the moment; I own a Grace MX- e-bike. Had it for Three years; and like it. I have now decided to sell this bike and look for a bike wth other qualities. Higher gir-ratios among these. The MX bike got a Nuvinci 360 hub-gir; which have me really pedal like crazy to hold 45 km/h( 28 mph).

The two bike-alternatives I have given most attention the last few weeks; are the Grace One Pro and Stromer ST2 S.
These bikes are very different; compared to eachother; but have similarities as well.

I understand that in the US; there was a 750 watt Version of the Grace One; while the European Version was set at 1000 w. Not a pedal-assist this one, but throttle-Powered.
Anyone had opportunity to test the Grace One`s performance, compared to the Stromer-bikes ?

Unfortunally; there are no Stromer-dealership in Norway :-( . Not Grace-dealers either. How ever, a e-bike store in Oslo had a Grace One-bike to sell. I had the pleasure to take for a spin. Was a real treat to drive.
How ever, the battery is built into the frame/ not removeable. That is a big drawback, I think. Draines fast when not pedaling & going full speed.
I thought Grace was finished, out of business. If so replacement parts will be an issue
I thought Grace was finished, out of business. If so replacement parts will be an issue

Hi opimax.
Grace is going strong in europe. I guess they just have redrawed from the US. Grace has been bought by a larger bike-manufacturer; and probably has changed their strategies.
Buying Grace parts from europe will be no problem, I am positive !

Living in a small marked & country as Norway; I am used to look for objects/ parts abroad; as so many things are not markeded in the land of vikings. My Grace MX; I bought from Hamburg in Germany. No problem buying parts/ object abroad; as long it is a seriouse bussiness.
Yes, sorry for the misinformation , I liked a lot about them but they didn't make it here, bought Stromers instead, again sorry Grace is ALIVE!
I have not tried a Grace One bike but I did just ride a Stromer a few weeks ago and it was a blast!
Awhile back there was a post of a couple in U.S. that had both a Grace and Stomer St2, and he said he prefered the performance of the St2 while commuting. Contact Bike Attack for more info. U.S. Santa Monica .
At this time it's my impression there is a growing problem with the quality of Stromer products, at least those distributed in the U.S. And not surprisingly, it appears to be more true the more complex the model chosen. Conversely, Stromer's technical support to the U.S. customer is very limited - only one technician, as I understand it. I don't know how that relates to product quality in Europe tho' I can't imagine it's terribly different there than here. So to the extent these impressions are correct, a Stromer would seem a problematic choice for the 'distance purchaser' who lacks dealer-level product support.
So to the extent these impressions are correct, a Stromer would seem a problematic choice for the 'distance purchaser' who lacks dealer-level product support.

I have a fascination for the Stromer ST2 s; and are very close to making a decission buying one. There are no Stromer-dealers in Norway unfortunately. How ever; I got a good dialog going with a Stromer-dealership in Hamburg/ Germany. A very serviceminded seller there have promised to take care of me also after a purchase. If there are problems with the bike after purchase , they will help me solve the problems; like sending me new parts, or giving me phone/email-support. This is good enough for me.

My impression is, that Stromer / their dealers; will help their customers. Something else would anyhow be bad bussiness; as bad service would hurt the brand.

The problems I have heard of; have partly been related to software-glitches; which have been fixed and problems related to charging. From what I have read; these problems have mostly been solved. Please correct me if your impressions are otherwise.
Other than the software and the battery-components; most parts on these bikes are "off the shelf"-components; which are buy`able all over the place. The frame is a very Stromer-specific part. But this looks to be solid from what I can understand.
Yes, sorry for the misinformation , I liked a lot about them but they didn't make it here, bought Stromers instead, again sorry Grace is ALIVE!

Your statement was correct, no need for an excuse.

Grace is part of MIFA Mitteldeutsche Fahrradwerke AG (like mySTromer AG is part of BMC). The MIFA AG ran in insolvency in 2014. In 2015, several models from Grace were - very cheap - on sale in a large german consumer electronics store. In beginning 2016, Heinrich von Nathusius brings new capital. The company now is "Mifa Bike GmbH".

The very latest news from MIFA are promising, but no words were given about the destiny of Grace. Personally, I believe it would be a shame, if Grace disappears - even as they mostly build simple Bosch middrive bikes. (The Grace ONE is an exception, it's an electric motorbike)
Personally, I believe it would be a shame, if Grace disappears - even as they mostly build simple Bosch middrive bikes. (The Grace ONE is an exception, it's an electric motorbike)

The last month; I have communicated at several occations with two different Grace-dealerships in Germany. They can deliver Grace One within 14 days. The Urbanic (pro)-model; with the 1000 w motor, Pinion-gears and Gates-carbonbelt-drive are ready for delivery in August. So to me; it sounds like alot is invested in Grace being a brand to count on.
Grace have ditched the Bosch mid-drive; in favor of the other german mid-engine-manufacturer Brose. The Grace MX II, 45 km/h-version got a 500w-effect. So a higher theorietical performance, compared to the Bosch-versions.
Grace have ditched the Bosch mid-drive; in favor of the other german mid-engine-manufacturer Brose. The Grace MX II, 45 km/h-version got a 500w-effect.

Interesting, thanks for sharing.

In Switzerland, the light does not shine so bright for Grace: The largest e-bike dealer (a subsidiary of the largest grocery store), stopped selling Grace. With this, there is only a Grace webshop left. BTW: They also stopped selling Stromer - but with SQM and stromvelo, two larger players are still there. Regarding Brose: They very famous in the 25km/h MTB field. But no experience in the 45 km/h league.
Thanks for the info, bluecat.
The reason why I wrote about Grace in a Stromer-forum; was my challenge of choosing between two candidate-bikes: The Grace One vs the Stromer ST2 (s).

Two completly different bikes; but both high performance. The similarity I am interested in; is the ability to keep up a steady high commuter-speed.
Awhile back there was a post of a couple in U.S. that had both a Grace and Stomer St2, and he said he prefered the performance of the St2 while commuting. Contact Bike Attack for more info. U.S. Santa Monica .

Hi David.
Thanks for the reference. I will trye to find the post. Do you know if it was the Grace One-model and not the "Easy" ? Big difference between those two.
Two completly different bikes; but both high performance. The similarity I am interested in; is the ability to keep up a steady high commuter-speed.

A Grace ONE - with its very special dual light - is a rare bike here in CH. I only saw one "Grace ONE" a few times in the past. It was fast, but estimated within the 45km/h. I believe, regardless if the hub motor is 750W, 1kW or 1.3kW, the energy consumption for maintaining ST2 - speed ist higher than those from the Stromer. But the battery is smaller.
I guess Grace sell best at home in Germany. As you write, bluecat; the battery-capacity of the Stromer is unique. The fact that sutch a huge battery is removeable is not industry-standard either.

I had a 20-30 minutes funride with a Grace One a few weeks back; and was almost drained for juice after that. Big disadvantage that the battery not can be removed. Not to high capacity either, given the big watt-output of the engine; less than 600 wh.

I wish I had opportunity to see and test a Stromer first hand. Unfortunately; that won`t happend. The Grace One; I have actually seen and tested.

So it would have been sweet to hear the experiences of someone who actually tested the ST2(s) as well as the Grace One.

Why I see these two bikes as candidates; are the the power they both seem to be delivering.

Higher specs in general on the Stromer ST 2(s); but also almost twice the price. The Grace One got a 1000 watt engine and smaller battery. Flyes away; as long there are juice ;-)
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