I slept in my van in Ithaca NY over Christmas. Way below zero . Electric blankets are a treat if you have shore power or big batteries . If not. hot water bottles in the beds are almost as goodSeriously cold wind today. We are off on a camping trip to Jedediah Smith Redwoods Park. Gorgeous place. I've never cold weather camped before, but of course, we will be in our van, so it's not like we'll be chattering in a tent all night...
Around 5 p.m. here now!Got up early (6am) to Weed and Feed the dewy lawn. We have a 3 or 4 day "inside" stretch this week. Mid 90s (F) and mid 70s dew point . . . A bit sticky!
You will probably need to shoot/trap some coyotes, or they will keep coming back, I'm sorry to say.They are farm ducks, not pets, so I am not broken up about it. They are here for slug control and eggs, but dagnabbit, twice in one day! They have to free roam in order to forage, so I can't keep them in a chicken tractor, like I have done with broiler chickens in the past. I just feel sorry for the one duck left. Got to get her some buddies asap.
Forgot to post before I went to bed a few days ago. Much of the world was not treated to this event.
That was taken on a mount that was tracking the moon, correct? Those stars are pretty tight. I was too lazy to pull my scope out so was limited to .5 sec exposure.
It was an exciting night indeed! I used a regular tripod, a Pentax K-5 (it was my DSLR of that time), and a Tamron 70-200 f/2.8 lens. I had an issue to find the right spot to keep the Moon visible, and had no experience with the eclipse photography. It was a cold night, and I was roaming around the neighbourhood. Eventually, I found a good spot by the main road of the area, and a meadow, so nothing was obscuring my view. It was near to the daybreak, by the way.That was taken on a mount that was tracking the moon, correct? Those stars are pretty tight. I was too lazy to pull my scope out so was limited to .5 sec exposure.