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- Twin Cities, MN
If bike, then helmet. No long set of special conditions and exceptions, very simple to remember, keeps the most important bit safe from catastrophic damage. I value the exhilarating feeling of the neurons in my head more than the wind in my hair. Plus, dementia runs in my family, why would I want to accelerate the process by smashing my unprotected head?
Nobody expects a helmet to protect them from a car, but that isn't its function. Construction workers don't expect hard hats to stop a rogue i-beam or electricity. Hockey helmets don't cushion body checks. Military helmets don't bounce away a missile.
Nobody expects a helmet to protect them from a car, but that isn't its function. Construction workers don't expect hard hats to stop a rogue i-beam or electricity. Hockey helmets don't cushion body checks. Military helmets don't bounce away a missile.