Front & Rear Lights - Activate / Deactivate (How?)


Well-Known Member
I know pressing the ( - ) button on the display unit turns on the backlight on the display. Does this also turn on the LED lights? If it has, I haven't noticed any lights operating when I've tested this by enabling the display unit backlight. Again though, I was only trying this out in daylight hours.

And, is the backlighting on the display using power from the bike's battery or does it have its own battery?
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Okay upon closer inspection I see the front light has an on/off switch. Didn't see any corresponding switch for the back LED lights.

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Okay upon closer inspection I see the front light has an on/off switch. Didn't see any corresponding switch for the back LED lights.

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

It's powered by the front dynamo and turns on when the wheels are in motion. It also has a capacitor that keeps light on for a min or so after you stop (more like a parking light).
Just tested the lights out. The front one comes on (only with the wheels moving, of course), however the back light does not come on at all. Something is wrong with that back light or the wiring to it. I suspected something was up with it.

I'll have to add another light to the front eventually. Maybe handlebar or something else since my handlebars are full with other stuff.
I just bought my new Evo Street last week. On mine, the front and back lights both come on after the bike is moving, as long as the front light switch is on. Both the front and rear lights stay on for a while after stopping the bike.

This seems really simple, but I haven't been able to figure out how to reset the trip information on the display. I didn't get an owners manual when I bought the bike. The Easy Motion web site's manual display information doesn't match what my display has. The local bike shop's owner where I bought the bike said that he would contact Easy Motion personnel and find out for me. Also, I sent an email to Easy Motion yesterday. The reply didn't address this issue. And yes, I have watched Court's video on the Easy Motion's display (my display is different than the one in his video). So, I am stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just bought my new Evo Street last week. On mine, the front and back lights both come on after the bike is moving, as long as the front light switch is on. Both the front and rear lights stay on for a while after stopping the bike.

This seems really simple, but I haven't been able to figure out how to reset the trip information on the display. I didn't get an owners manual when I bought the bike. The Easy Motion web site's manual display information doesn't match what my display has. The local bike shop's owner where I bought the bike said that he would contact Easy Motion personnel and find out for me. Also, I sent an email to Easy Motion yesterday. The reply didn't address this issue. And yes, I have watched Court's video on the Easy Motion's display (my display is different than the one in his video). So, I am stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

To reset the trip, you need to press the (Power) and (-) button together for more than 5 seconds.
The owner's manual I have seems to be a bit of a general manual for the collection of BH eBikes. Some items don't exactly correspond to my bike.

Thank you for the tip about resetting the trip and the backlight. I will try those.
Yeah, that owner's manual leaves a lot to be desired.

Confirmed my back light is NOT working when the console backlight is switched on, which means I'll have to get my LBS to fix it. (The front light is working)