Forum Updates and Feedback

It’s looking a lot better as others mentioned. However, the forum is still a ‘one way trip’ on mobile in the sense that if you click on EBR icon (top left hand corner), it keeps you in the forum instead of bringing you to the review section as on the desktop version.

The list of dealers at the bottom of the display is absolutely daunting. I counted 37 of them on mobile (IOS safari and Chrome), all in California. The number seems a bit excessive as it takes about 12 swipes to get to the bottom of the page. The desktop version only shows 4 or 5 local dealers which is amply sufficient.
Takes 12 swipes ahh? A little annoying. Hope we can control which dealers are displayed at the bottom of the forum page in the future. I only have 2 due to the area I live in is my best guess. I also have my alerts covered by the map as JayVee has indicated. I just go to a different page when opening...
NOPE!! Still defaults to a document that cannot be commented on
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You're doing a great job Court, lots & lots of hard work put into EBR to build this great community. There has to be at least 300 EBike brands out there today. It's kind of how the automobile industry started, there were so many brands in the begging.

The non-standardization of this industry is also very difficult to work with.

The fact that you are working to make EBR an even greater place by making things more simple is great! I look forward to seeing the new changes.

Regards, Len
Hi, Court.
Thanks for creating this awesome forum. It has been very helpful as I peruse the various threads. I belong to a lot of forums and am an administrator of some of them. I also have some websites I have created and update daily. One thing that has been a big help on the forums is having a general idea where other members are located. I live in Pittsburgh, PA and have 8 friends with electric mountain bikes. That number is growing fast as I let others ride my bike. It would be nice to know who else is located near Pittsburgh so they can join us and promote a positive portrayal of ebikes in the Pittsburgh area.
I have looked through this forum for a location map for members but can't find one. You may want to use a simple Google Map like this one: Feel free to use the map I posted as I left the editing option on.
or create your own. Just trying to make a suggestion and if you think it's a bad idea, that's fine. Thanks again.
Can you add GM's new ARIV to the Brand subforum ?
I know it's not available in the US and very little is known about it ...
Nonetheless , it would be great to have a place to bash it ! :)
Hi there! The brand forums are added at the point where Court has reviewed a bike in a particular brand.

You are welcome to create threads about the brand you want to talk about and folks can still find post related to the brands they’re interested in by using the search function. If you want to talk about this particular brand just be sure to prominently list the brand name and model name in the title of your thread. That will make it easier for everyone to find.
Just wanted to praise your "Trusted Advertisers" section. I know that selling ads is what pays the bills at many websites and I don't mind being advertised to. But I have been forced to install ad blockers due to all the sites that just sign up with some random service, and let unvetted content (that includes malware!) pour through as advertising.

My ad blockers are pretty good so I'm assuming the only reason I am even seeing ads here is because Court is hosting the actual files, which means he's paying attention and not serving as a malware vector. I know it is more work to host your own ad files but this is the right way to do it. Good job!
A mere quibble but thought I would put in a request: Would it be possible to add a couple seconds on the time autocorrect decides to 'fix' my spelling. If I want to purposely play around with a word I can often not 'x' out autocorrect's choice before it insists on its choice. Thank you. :)
I hear ya @reed scott, and I'll bring it up in our next technical meeting. We've been doing a lot of updates to the back end for load time but as a visitor/member here, I'm very interested in improving usability as well. Thanks!
[update] I've enacted many of the changes discussed in this thread, feel free to chime in if you've got further suggestions! Thanks again for all of the great input :)

Hey guys and gals, I appreciate your involvement with EBR in the community and want to share my thoughts on some updates and get your feedback :)

I'm a huge fan of the UK Pedelecs forums and Grin owned Endless Sphere. In recent months (and really years) I think the EBR space has become a bit overwhelming with so many brand sections. I designed it this way to align with EBR eventually with content from the forums being shown in a sidebar widget on the site in each respective brand area. We're on the brink of making that happen but I've realized I could put brands in a sub category here and that would keep the homepage MUCH cleaner.

Pasted below is an updated list of sections including some new names. Some of this imitates the other ebike forums and my plan includes renaming the community to "forums" since people seem to get that more... I get emails occasional from people asking if the site has forums and I'm like "yeah! The community XD" so hopefully this helps. Anyway, I value your input on what additional forums to add AND whether for sale used and for sale new makes sense? It could be a place for company's like Crazy Lennys, Propel, Performance Bikes etc. to post without distracting other threads. This has been a difficult balance to strike... I strive to limit my own ads here and pay over a thousand dollars of my own money each month on host and moderate this space. It feels bad to go to all of that effort then possibly alienate the paying advertisers while promoting show rooming indirectly and gouging prices. On the flip side, the world is a marketplace and last-season models, used stuff and promotions do have their place. How should this be handled? As always, THANK YOU ALL for making my dream of sharing ebikes, connecting people and promoting healthy living a reality by spending time here and supporting EBR.

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Court how about a section specifically for rider videos. Now I´m not talking The ones where all you see is tarmack.
handlebars, & an unreadable display. Just things with something that would appeal to readers interest. Scenery, jjourneys,
events, or just plain nonsense.