Forum migrated, please report issues!


Staff member
Hi guys! I've been working on an updated version of EBR, and this launched a few days ago. One change we made simultaneously was to move the forums from /forums/ to a subdomain forums.electricbikereview and that reset some of the permissions. I apologize for the downtime that was experienced these past few days. I was expecting this to work seamlessly, and had hired consultants to help with the migration. After three days of petitioning for their help, I dove in myself and figured it out! I'm still making adjustments and welcome any feedback about issues that you might be having here. I also welcome feedback about the new EBR design.

Whenever I post a valid Forum link on Facebook:
and then launch that link from Facebook, the Forum engine interprets that link as:
"" leading to "Oops!".

Besides, are you ignoring me? :)
Seems one can be obtuse both deliberately and ignorantly.
So... how's the view from the podium today?
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Here's an issue:

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Access blocked: This app’s request is invalid​

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Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

I originally logged in and created my account using Google, since the site has been updated, I can no longer log in. I don't want to create a new account as I will lose my threads.
Kudos to the EBR team: Some of the issues I reported above have already been addressed!

View attachment 160101
One more issue: Before migration, each page in a thread had a page navigation bar at the top and bottom. Now the top bars are gone. Can they be restored?
I'd like to repeat this request. Navigation of multi-page threads is a lot clumsier now that the top page navigation bar is gone.


If that's no longer possible, how about adding a "Jump to new" or similar button to this row at the top?

Thanks again for a great forum!
is anal retentive hyphenated? It's an ever improving forum both structurally and in keeping up and most days ahead of the rest of the eBike forums. endless_sphere for the geek factor EBR for the kinder gentler community of trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent riders sprinkled with an occasional asshat. But IMO Joy Scouts are the norm here. Often called the fundamental principles of Scouting but definitely EBR under Court.
Hi guys! I've been working on an updated version of EBR, and this launched a few days ago. One change we made simultaneously was to move the forums from /forums/ to a subdomain forums.electricbikereview and that reset some of the permissions. I apologize for the downtime that was experienced these past few days. I was expecting this to work seamlessly, and had hired consultants to help with the migration. After three days of petitioning for their help, I dove in myself and figured it out! I'm still making adjustments and welcome any feedback about issues that you might be having here. I also welcome feedback about the new EBR design.

Sorry Court, since the new EBR site design came online I have found myself going to it less and less. It now has a sterile impersonal feel to it that limits my interest to explore it.
I'd like to have a way to filter and sort the review list.

I know what kind of bike I'm looking for and I know my price range, but I might not know the manufacturers. How about in order of newest to oldest? Or latest review to older? Or by reviewer? Just reviews with videos?

Maybe a list with Brand, Model, Type, Year, Motor, Battery W/H, MSRP, Weight, etc.