Foot Cramps?


I have a new Rad Mini ST2. I took my 3rd ride of any distance today with the goal of keeping PAS to a minimum in order to get a bit more exercise than the first two rides.

At the 4 - 5 mile mark, I started experiencing cramps in front of the arch of my right foot, at the base of the middle toes. I got off the bike and did a few stretches but the cramps kept coming back whenever I pedaled, so I "limped" home using the throttle almost exclusively. (Thank God for the throttle!)

Has anyone ever experienced this? Is there anything that could be done to prevent it? One thought that crossed my mind is to perhaps replace the stock pedals with larger ones - because I find my toes curling as I ride because I feel my foot partially overhanging the pedals.

Any thoughts on this?

Replacing the pedals with larger mtb pedals was the first thing I did. I also use a shoe with a stiffer sole.

Drink more water?
Hard sole mountain biking shoes and proper foot placement on the pedals are critical for distance. Hydration of electrolytes should not be an issue at 4-5 miles. I don't take a drink till at least 9-10 miles. Are you diabetic or have circulation issues?
I ride fairly stiff shoes, New Balance walkers. So there is no stress in my arch.
I do get massive leg cramps when I've ridden a lot or worked at the summer camp a lot, sweating. They told us in the army this was potassium deficiency. I put one shake of morton lite salt (50 % kcl) on my next meat entree. Careful, you can poison yourself with too much potassium. Why they took 80% of Kcl out of Gatoraide, some men were drinking a two quarts per workout.
Exagerated bending of the spine can pinch nerves. Is your bike adjusted to keep your spine straight, neck too? Foot nerve pinches are in the lower spine, though.
Can you clarify - cramps or spasms of pain?

If cramps, what position was your foot curling into? Was there any change in feeling in the foot?
If spasms of pain - exactly where and what type of pain?

I'm not just being nosy - here are a list of some of the foot symptoms and causes I've personally experienced. There are MANY more causes - go talk to a podiatrist / physio / doctor.

carpopedal spasm - my feet would curl downward with true cramps on exercising. Sometimes my hand would do the same thing, but it was mostly the ring and little finger. I've had thus from calcium and magnesium imbalances , vitamin d deficiency, as well as from retaining co2 ( asthmatic who does silly things like cross desserts on a motorbike for weeks on end....) . I've kniwn someone to get it from thyriod issues.

I've had fatigue and then cramping of my intrinsic muscles in my feet - this was actually why I started getting back into cycling. I'd broken 5 bones in my foot and the muscles had become a pathetic strip of floppyness - so every time I'd walk they would start cramping. The foot would first develop deep muscular feeling pain and then progress to spasms if I didn't back off. It took a lot of work to get them back up to strength, and ironically what helped most was using flexible shoes - making them work harder.

But then I started getting entrapment syndromes with the nerves , tendons, and arteries behind my ankles swelling / getting trapped as I cycled. I'd get numbness or pain on the sole - depending on which way I tilted / twisted my foot. Tenderness after a ride behind my ankle with a crackly feeling as I moved my foot around. Stiffer soled cycling shoes helped with this!

Oh, and I always have pain in the joints of my feet. See above re 5 broken bones. If I cycle less than 3 days a week the muscles get weak and the joints start hurting from being overloaded. If I cycle more than 3 days a week the joints don't get a chance to recover so they start getting stiff. It's only pain and the foot keeps working, so I find riding exciting trails helps me ignore it. Having ridden exciting trails makes it worthwhile.

If you can , try seeing a decent foot person to talk about your symptoms. I was lucky enough to find a podiatrist who cycled and a physiotherapist who could explain what was happening . It also helped to have access to a decent gp for the carpopedal spasm.
Thanks for all of the responses -

Oberst - I was wearing a pair of Merrill "hiking sneakers" (my terminology). It's basically a sneaker with a sole similar to hiking boots.

Rich C - I'm not diabetic and don't have circulation problems that I know of. However, I've always had a tendency toward leg cramps and certainly drink too much caffeinated ice tea and not enough water.

indianajo - I have my bike set up to ride in an upright position, but I did the setting up myself. I did that because I do have lower back/hip issues.

PDoz - It's definitely cramps, not pain. I don't understand what you mean by "what position was your foot curling into?", though. I thought that a foot can curl in only one direction...LOL! But your description of "carpopedal spasm" is spot on. I experienced while skiing this winter, and I do take medicine for underactive thyroid. Come to think of it, I experience this on the stationary bike at the gym too!

I think that I'll begin by taking MikeDD's advice to start - Replace the pedals, definitely drink more water and perhaps find some stiffer sole shoes. Any specific suggestions for shoes?

Try experimenting with placing your feet in different positions on the pedals. I was experiencing soreness in the arches of my feet (and second the idea of using flat pedals w/o those saw like teeth grippers on them). My problem was probably caused by decades of pushing down on the pedals w/ my feet in the same place. I went to putting my weight more on the back of my foot ,and after a while the pain went away. Try some hot, but not too hot, nitely baths in Epsom salts, but soaking your feet in cold water is better for pain or cramps.
Seat height or handlebars height/angle adjustments? I'm prone to foot problems and I try to set up all my bikes for full leg extension minus 1/2 inch at the bottom of the pedal cycle. On upright ebikes I want to feel relaxed and looking straight forewards when moving.
PDoz - It's definitely cramps, not pain. I don't understand what you mean by "what position was your foot curling into?", though. I thought that a foot can curl in only one direction...LOL! But your description of "carpopedal spasm" is spot on. I experienced while skiing this winter, and I do take medicine for underactive thyroid. Come to think of it, I experience this on the stationary bike at the gym too!


Ok, get to see you gp or endo - you want both thyroid and parathyriod rechecking , as well as calcium / magnesium levels ( and possibly vitamin d if you are overweight from low thyroid )

It's all inter related but likely to be a lit cheaper than new shoes

and next time your partner orgasms, watch which way their feet cramp ( toes curl up when nerves get turned off)
.....and next time your partner orgasms, watch which way their feet cramp ( toes curl up when nerves get turned off)

I've got my mind on other things at that point, rather than her feet. LOL!

But in terms of direction when I ride my bike, my toes curl down, not up.
Sounds like you are looking into all the right things, get some blood work done to check levels, the 5-10’s are good flat pedal shoes and you can wear them off bike as well. I usually ride clipless but my mtb pedals Are spd on one side and flats on the other so I use my 5-10’s when I don’t want to be clipped in. Definitely check your seat height and drink lots of water before, during and after a ride.

I get terrible leg cramps hiking but, oddly cycling causes no cramps but I am diabetic and likely do have some circulation issues.