First trek bike


Well-Known Member
Finally bought my first trek bike. my granddaughter is dinky only about 28 mounts at 3.5 years old. I bought her a balance bike and she does good with it. but her parents bought her one of those huffy bikes but she could not really peddle it it took too much effort. I dropped by the trek store to get my bike updated and I just could not resist. hauled it over the 6 blocks on the back of my bike. my granddaughter had no problem peddling it. I bet within a month we can take the training wheels off. she just needs to learn to keep going and to deal with the peddles when they are at 6 and 12. what good is you can trade in the trek bike within 3 years for a larger one with a nice discount.
I bought a similar bike last week for my 4.5 year old grandson. He has a balance bike that he does well with but has out grown it. The question is how long to leave the training wheels on before letting him try to pedal and balance. The bike I bought was a Pre Caliber, I think. 16" wheels.
I think soon as they can peddle well time to remove them. my granddaughter keeps getting stuck with the peddles at 12 and 6 so she has a way to go. but this bike is the first one she can peddle well. she is so small.
My LBS told me to get them off pretty quick since he knew how to balance already. He does pedal big wheels etc. Good picture btw.
My LBS told me to get them off pretty quick since he knew how to balance already. He does pedal big wheels etc. Good picture btw.
my granddaughter just learned to peddle or was only able to peddle in the last month. having little friends who could do it showed her how. so she has some learning to go. but her balance bike is the favorite bike of all the kids.