First round of motors with Archon controller going out this week!


Well-Known Member
Here is a peek at our test rig - we pretty much run at 1.5 times the full load, and run the motor at 2300W for 15 minutes.
We are using the kindernay hub - so doing 2 tests in 1 setup :)
The one thing we will change is that rear sprocket for kindernay needs to be higher than 16T. The chain is just too close .. so pick 17 or even 18 to get better clearance.

First set of motors going out this week. @tomdav We have one with your name on it!

Please note - the controller software and harness will follow early August. However your motor controller is activated, and you will get an email /password on email once the harness and software ships. (I will add that to the FAQs, but wanted to highlight here as well.

Cool rig!
That doesn’t look like a chain or a belt. What is it?
Wow, I think that must be it! I couldn’t make it out the way it’s spinning so fast. Looked like a rope to me, which didn’t make sense. 😆
No, it's belt drive. I think for testing purposes he's just using the chain. With that said, I'm not sure why he isn't using it with the belt drive since all of his models are belt drives. Kill 3 birds with one stone. 😁
Here is a peek at our test rig - we pretty much run at 1.5 times the full load, and run the motor at 2300W for 15 minutes.
@pushkar, Can you please explain the load logic. What do you mean by 1.5 times the full load? When you're running the motor at 2300W, is it pulling 2300W of power or just configured for that? I see 20MPH, it doesn't take 2300W to reach that speed. I guess this newbie is somewhat confused. 😵
We are adding a LOT of resistance using the trainer assembly. It simulates the motor trying to pull an average 170lb human at 20 % grade, at full throttle. This significantly exceeds the regular riding for 170lb at avg of 5% grade with PAS only.

The initial torque is very high (200NM) to get to the cruising speed. Once running it settles around 120nm constant load.

You are right - 1.5times is too generic - i wanted to highlight that testing is done for more outlier conditions than normal ones.
Do you have picture of the new display coming with it, your website says next month ?
I think it was the Eggrider he put next to the Bafang display. But the Eggrider will come with custom firmware.
The small display has BLE. We will just have an app as display to go with it. App is in development. Hoping for q1 2021 for that.