First Ride on my Turbo "S-Lite"

Nope, that one had the smaller battery. Someone should correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any bike ever came with both the 250W motor and the big battery. Maybe you got one with an upgraded battery?
@Douglas Ruby I have a loaner motor on because my rear axle had cracks and is being replaced. It's a SBC-M03 - trust me, you want one of these! It's a really cool way to use up those 19Ah of battery.
@buzzapage Nice! I know the SBC-M03 gives you plenty of go fast juice. I am happy with mine as it is. Just waiting for better weather. I am not nearly as adventurous as some.
Unfortunately I will have to give the 500W wheel back some time soon. It was fun. Being replaced with 250W.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely!....I am fine with my measly 200W. I value having moderate assist over a long range rather than a lot of speed. Being able to average 20+ mph on the flats in TURBO over nearly 40 miles and 15+ mph when in ECO50 over up to 90 miles is good enough.