First charge - charger got pretty hot


Active Member
Milky Way Galaxy
Did my first charge today. Definitely didn't over charge it. Went from 47 to 50 volts over 90 minutes. Charger felt pretty hot. I could touch it, but, it was very warm.
Normal or problem?
The OEM chargers that came with my bikes all get quite warm. Not too hot to touch but close. The cooling fan failed on one of them and it started to emit a smell of hot plastic.
Eventually, the high temp cutoff shut it down. Not all chargers have this feature and unfortunately, quality varies greatly among manufacturers. Since I often charge overnight or while unattended, the incident of the failed cooling fan caused me to spend some $$ on a quality Grin Satiator charger. It's a sealed unit with no cooling fan.

If it smokes, smells, or gets too hot to handle, replace it. Otherwise, it should be ok. It helps to charge in an open area with good air flow.
Warm is fine as long as the fan is kicking in. If not, then it's a problem.
Some of them don't have fans.....
Still agree with the fact they DO get warm. It's not done cooking until it gets up to 54 volts and change. At that point it SHOULD shut itself off. First couple of charges MAY take a little longer than usual. Keeping an eye on it a good plan.
Cheap fanless get very warm. I have several Satiators but occasionally use my $10 fanless for backup 100% charges. We should ALWAYS monitor charging, or make safety provisions. I charge my old and tired batteries and my builds in a BBQ. I’m probably over cautious but I like my house and contents.