Everything is out to kill us


Active Member
As cyclists, we face many dangers when out for a ride chief amongst which are other road users. Now, we can add birds to the list of cyclist killers:-

An Australian man has died in a bicycle crash while trying to escape from a swooping magpie.
The 76-year-old cyclist suffered head injuries on Sunday when he veered off a path and crashed into a park fence south of Sydney, police said.
Despite paramedics' efforts to save him, the man later died in hospital.
Swooping magpies are a common threat in Australia during spring and often cause injuries to cyclists and pedestrians, but fatal incidents are rare.
Police said they would prepare a report for a coroner after the attack in Wollongong, New South Wales.
Local media reported that several other magpie attacks had previously taken place in the park.
The Australian magpie is a different species to the European bird with which it shares its name. During mating season, the bird can become aggressive and attack humans crossing its territory.
And if you don't believe that, consider the number of people killed each year due to collisions with deer, or while trying to avoid a collision with a deer, while diving a car!

When we close the door of the house behind us, we start taking our chances. Does that keep me home? Not a chance.
I've had two close calls with geese while trail riding. Both involved the Gander fearing his chicks were being threatened. On one occasion, the gander chased me after I had gone past his brood. He flew and hit me in the back so hard I had to struggle to keep control of the bike! Fortunately, I was wearing a backpack at the time.

A similar incident happened when I was riding a canal trail. The gander flew directly at me forcing me to swerve. I almost landed in the river!

I now feel the same about geese as Sully Sullenberger.
I worry when riding out in the woods, and I come across cows. The cows are out on the range and can be protective of their calves. I always have a dog with me, and the dog can be irritable to the evil looking cows. The dog does not intentionally annoy them, nor do I, but if they are in the mood, we can be charged. I tend to speed up when biking by cows. I do not carry a baseball bat. My rancher uncle told us to whack a bull/cow that was out to get us in the nose with a big stick. That's hard to do on a bike. Mooooooo.
My cows could care less about my bike...but my donkey hates it snorting and bellowing at me.

The cows in the woods don't see people very much during the summer. They have to be mean to fend off cougars, wolves, coyotes and bicycles. Then, about this time of the year, they remember there is such a thing as a magical tractor or truck that brings them hay, so they start to wander towards their winter pastures--sometimes too early at that. Life is easier when hay appears each day.
The cows in the woods don't see people very much during the summer. They have to be mean to fend off cougars, wolves, coyotes and bicycles. Then, about this time of the year, they remember there is such a thing as a magical tractor or truck that brings them hay, so they start to wander towards their winter pastures--sometimes too early at that. Life is easier when hay appears each day.

Well, I got a new job and not practical to bike commute everyday. In memory of this sad moment, I created a montage of my experiences in riding to work over a 12 month period. To the drivers who apologized, you are not in this collection. It is a little long, some more interesting than most.

Montage of cycling to work

If you have a favorite, let me know the time stamp. Most scary moment for me was at 3 min 40 sec. Locked up both wheels.
I posted a reply to this but dunno what happened... im in AU as well some of the smarter magpies that know your wearing a helmet come in from the side, its not the only bird species that has done this to me while on a bike.An Indian Miner got me in the side below helmet one time and drew blood.
Well, I got a new job and not practical to bike commute everyday. In memory of this sad moment, I created a montage of my experiences in riding to work over a 12 month period. To the drivers who apologized, you are not in this collection. It is a little long, some more interesting than most.

Montage of cycling to work

If you have a favorite, let me know the time stamp. Most scary moment for me was at 3 min 40 sec. Locked up both wheels.
Sad fact is if you dont ride like everything is out to kill you your risk of injury or death is that much more.
Its better to be 'wrong' by the law that insist on a right you have that may just get you killed, face it most motor vehicle traffic doesnt give a hoot about bike riders, motorised or not.