error messages


Well-Known Member
I received an error message while riding yesterday and I would like to know more about it. it said something to the effect of : error please got to sensor point or something near this . I hit ok as I was in traffic and kept going a little. I puled over and watched the wireless arrows go back and forth a little , looking like it was passing the data to a collection point.

how does an owner gather this information? does anybody watch it and then contact me and say I need to get in for service? Can anyone tell me what does this error mean? could it be related to the level 3 uneven power surges?

Lastly a little humor. I had just pulled over on the trail to read the error message and a bird pooped on my arm while reading the message. not a good sign lol but it turned out it was great ride , did 80 miles
never heard of this error message so I cannot be of help.
today I had a new error message, this one seems obvious to me

Go To Service Point

hit OK
Battery at 91% should be 100, charged and sat for 4days

1st time so it may be nothing but my battery has been charging to less than 100% these day unless I top it off just before leaving on a ride. Has anybody run into this message? is there a test I can run to verify the battery condition? any other input ?

I have a picture but getting errors uploading
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on occasion I have gotten "Sensor Error - - go to service point" -- does not detail which sensor. I simply pull the battery out and then re-install and I am on my way -- I have 1,400 miles on the bike and have probably gotten the "Sensor Error" about 5 times over the 1,400 miles I have ridden on the ST2. I chalk it up to an occasional glitch, but nothing that makes me overly concerned.

I did go through the systems check menu at one time and noticed it does have an area where you can see all the errors that have occurred, so you might try getting into that diagnostics menu area and try to get more detailed information on any errors that have occurred. I can't remember right off hand how to get into that menu (have it written down somewhere) but I think you hold the right brake while pushing down on the "Menu" button on the Omni screen.......I am sure someone will come along and detail that procedure, or if I find the card that I wrote the instructions down on I will edit this message.

I spoke to Stromer on the 800 number. They had no errors from my bike. I sent them a screen shot of today. They said it was a false error that will go away w/Omni 2.0 update "in a couple of weeks". One of the techs has the beta of 2.0 and likes it. We talked about addressing some other issues (buzzy vibration at 23 and above) w/my bike at the local dealer after 2.0 comes out to see what is still needed. He confirmed there is a suspension fork coming out for the bike but not here yet and most likely Suntour. This has been said before on this board

Do you feel the surging issue in power level 3?

Also the tech confirmed that a ST1 is faster down hill than an st2 at top speed and that it was harder to go beyond the engine top speed on an a 2 than a 1 in general (but of course it is easier to go top speed on a 2)

He also told me to charge my battery and unplug, then feel free to top off before I go on a ride
I have been noticing drastic capacity loss on my Neo Nitro.
Agreed, it was very cold outside but I used up 50% of battery just for 10 miles. Also, I think it is better not to leave the battery in garage. Just place it inside. Should help. At cold temps, the battery has to overcome it's own resistance which is particularly high when it's cold.
I just got home it had charged to 100 during the day. I can start bringing them in , anything to help in the long run. My garage gets a lot of heat from my not so sealed house I don't think it has been under 40 in there , there is a thermometer on the wall. It was 68 when I came in, outside 55

I will still charge them in the garage for safety making sure it isn't cold. I will look into a "safer" area in the basement. Safer meaning near window for easy get outside if issues...

Time to layer up and get ready to go...

When my ST2 was new in August of '15 - I did notice a little surging, but I attributed it to not being in great shape and therefore not producing enough torque to the pedals. When I got home from that first ride I bumped up the Torque Sensitivity setting from the 50% default up to about 75% and I never experienced the surging issue since then. I primarily ride the bike in setting 2 which I have boosted through the mobile app up to about the 75% values on all the settings. I use number 3 on every ride, but only about 10% of the time, and have had no problems with surging -- I am in much better shape now so the torque that my legs are producing is greater and with the torque sensitivity setting higher (75%) its just not an issue at all for me on the ST2.

My wife also has an ST2 (the 17" step-through model) and she recently had a Rockshox Reba front fork is the model that has the remote lockout on the handlebars, and it is air adjustable with a little hand pump that comes with it.......she really loves the front shock and her body float seat post......she says its like riding on a cloud ;+)............I think the rockshox reba is very good quality and was less money than the Stromer unit which is Suntour........the only draw back is that she does not have a front fender now and she did get some water in her face when we rode on a path that had snow melt water running across it, we could install a plastic fender if we need to, but for the most part it really isn't an issue as we usually ride in the dry.

This morning I received a text message from Stromer stating that the 2.0 software upgrade would be coming soon and directed me to this page for the details:

(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

There will also be a new Stromer Mobile App as well coming soon that has some pretty neat features included. Apparently the new mobile App is required to work with the new Omni software update - - the old Mobile App will not work with the new 2.0 Omni upgrade.
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Boosting the T sensor to max was how it was "fixed" the 1st time, not acceptable, too much battery use. I consider it a work around and will wait for 2.0 to pursue this. I am happy to hear 2.0 is the close , no text for me :( . The fender is a deal breaker for me personally I ride in the wet as long as it isnt raining hard. I am more than curious how much the fork cost and the install and how much the bike changed not just in ride but handling also. I understand the Fox is a higher quality but i dont know if i would appreciate it on my 99% paved riding i do, just want to save my rear end. I have a Body float and Thudbuster. Currently using the Thudbuster as i am suppose to ship out my Bodyfloat because the shaft has bent, I am surprised so far I the ThudBuster has been better for me. I am not sure I am dialed in correctly on the BF though.

I have rubbing fender issue on all my Stromers (had 5 total ) at some point or another. it has worn my wife's st1 out rear tire prematurely and mine a little

was your text a regular text such as from just another person?

Just read the software update FAQs, all good but Daytime Running light. I do not wish to have this on and attract attention to the fact this bike is electric and not allowed where I ride, I am not in Europe! I guess some tacky electrical tape over the light is required . At night i wish it was on though.