Ecotric Seagull Issues

Before you buy any fuses you should wait and check the fuse in the battery they send you. Some come with the longer 30mm type and not the 20mm type like mine. They are not interchangable. Different size holders.
thanks...good tip..i'll check ...put my first 25miles on my bike.....havent been on any bike in over 25years...only thing i can say is!!!! how they've changed and for the better.....up to 27mph.....way faster than i feel safe at! great bike
btw... anyone receive their seagull with bent rear rotor and handbrake levers reversed? left side brake lever affects the rear brakes?
btw... anyone receive their seagull with bent rear rotor and handbrake levers reversed? left side brake lever affects the rear brakes?
Wait- that's not how it's supposed to be? My left lever controls the rear brake; the brake itself is squeaky and not very strong.
Wait- that's not how it's supposed to be? My left lever controls the rear brake; the brake itself is squeaky and not very strong.
every bike I've ever driven... is right is rear......... I'm 65 so I just figured that ebikes were reversed. kind of hard teaching this old dog new tricks... my brakes worked but the rear brake rotor is slightly bent, causing excessive wear on only a few rides.... will see how this is handled... I love the bike and want to ride it daily
thanks...good tip..i'll check ...put my first 25miles on my bike.....havent been on any bike in over 25years...only thing i can say is!!!! how they've changed and for the better.....up to 27mph.....way faster than i feel safe at! great bike
I have gotten up to 38 mph going downhill on this thing. That's scary! I get it to 28 on the flatlands, but I never go that fast. I normally cruise along at at 15-20 mph, peddling. After 20 mph it gets hard to peddle as your moving too fast. I don't use the throttle, except when taking off. When you use it, you are cutting way into battery time. I stay away from the throttle, and I ride in mode 3 and sometimes 4 on real big hills. Mode 4 and 5 are Power modes, which use alot of battery. So, riding in mode 3 is just right as it's power assist. If you live on flatlands, you never need to use the power modes unless your in a big hurry. I normally ride 20-30 miles a few times a week. More as the weather gets better. I figure this battery is good for 50 miles if it's kept out of the power modes. But 30 miles is a good ride for me. Even with padded bike shorts, big gel bike seat, front suspension, and rear seat post suspension, which I added, (and you will want), 30 miles is plenty. lol. I've had both knees and one shoulder replaced, so that's plenty. Also, to get past 20 mph, you need to use the controller screen and control buttons and read the instructions at the back how to re-program the bike settings. It's easy. You change the speed to a higher number. By law they can only ship these with the 20mph setting. Just read the manual and ask me if you have any questions. You should go ahead and oil the chain with ebike chain oil. I use Finish Line ebike chain lube. It's made for bigger, heavier ebikes. It makes abig difference in the performance of the chain and gears. Good stuff! I also bought a small electric air compressor to fill the tires as they lose air alot on their own. Better tires are needed on this bike. These puncture easy. Since getting my Schwalbe Big Ben Plus lined tires, I have no no leaks or flats in the last year! And there is alot of glass, bolts, nails etc. along side the roads out there. These are very tough tires. Well worth it. I tried tire liners and they failed. Let the battery sit for 2 hours after riding to cool before charging. I charge after every ride. Let the chain lube sit on chain overnight to dry before riding. Get a super bright front and rear light. Mine are Cygolite front and rear and super bright day and night. Yes, the left handle is for the rear and it gets used the most when stopping. To stop squeal, clean the disk after every ride with 90% alcohol.
These lights are lifesavers at night! Too many people driving while distracted out there.


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If your disk is bent tell Ecotric. A bent disk won't work. They can send you a new rear wheel and you will have to have a bike shop swap it out. Any shop can do it for not much or ask for a new bike.
If your disk is bent tell Ecotric. A bent disk won't work. They can send you a new rear wheel and you will have to have a bike shop swap it out. Any shop can do it for not much or ask for a new bike.
so far, good communication with ecotric....they requested the usual photos and vid which i just sent...hopeful they will stand behind their product
I have gotten up to 38 mph going downhill on this thing. That's scary! I get it to 28 on the flatlands, but I never go that fast. I normally cruise along at at 15-20 mph, peddling. After 20 mph it gets hard to peddle as your moving too fast. I don't use the throttle, except when taking off. When you use it, you are cutting way into battery time. I stay away from the throttle, and I ride in mode 3 and sometimes 4 on real big hills. Mode 4 and 5 are Power modes, which use alot of battery. So, riding in mode 3 is just right as it's power assist. If you live on flatlands, you never need to use the power modes unless your in a big hurry. I normally ride 20-30 miles a few times a week. More as the weather gets better. I figure this battery is good for 50 miles if it's kept out of the power modes. But 30 miles is a good ride for me. Even with padded bike shorts, big gel bike seat, front suspension, and rear seat post suspension, which I added, (and you will want), 30 miles is plenty. lol. I've had both knees and one shoulder replaced, so that's plenty. Also, to get past 20 mph, you need to use the controller screen and control buttons and read the instructions at the back how to re-program the bike settings. It's easy. You change the speed to a higher number. By law they can only ship these with the 20mph setting. Just read the manual and ask me if you have any questions. You should go ahead and oil the chain with ebike chain oil. I use Finish Line ebike chain lube. It's made for bigger, heavier ebikes. It makes abig difference in the performance of the chain and gears. Good stuff! I also bought a small electric air compressor to fill the tires as they lose air alot on their own. Better tires are needed on this bike. These puncture easy. Since getting my Schwalbe Big Ben Plus lined tires, I have no no leaks or flats in the last year! And there is alot of glass, bolts, nails etc. along side the roads out there. These are very tough tires. Well worth it. I tried tire liners and they failed. Let the battery sit for 2 hours after riding to cool before charging. I charge after every ride. Let the chain lube sit on chain overnight to dry before riding. Get a super bright front and rear light. Mine are Cygolite front and rear and super bright day and night. Yes, the left handle is for the rear and it gets used the most when stopping. To stop squeal, clean the disk after every ride with 90% alcohol.
thanks. great tips....
so far, good communication with ecotric....they requested the usual photos and vid which i just sent...hopeful they will stand behind their product
They will. Is it the front or rear? The front you can do but the rear is much harder to replace and I would let a shop replace.
They will. Is it the front or rear? The front you can do but the rear is much harder to replace and I would let a shop replace.
it's the rear. my local bike shop is the one who noticed it when I brought it in for initial inspection and adjustments of the gears and brakes
I just spoke to him yesterday. He just ordered the ceramic type and expect them in 2-3 weeks. Sorry, should have stated that. When I first contacted this company last month they ordered the right size fuse for me, but in glass. He thought they would be a substitute for the ceramic. Now, he learned that the ceramic is the best choice for the battery fuse, (cooler) so he ordered those. You can get the glass if you like, but I prefer the ceramic as they will not blow out as fast as the glass.
Rob, I am trying to figure out how to check the fuse on my seagull battery that won't charge. I removed the fuse port with a phillips driver, but can't figure out how to get the fuse out. Any tips?
I use needle nose pliers and gently pull out. Be care as the fuse is just sitting in the holder. The phillips head screw IS the holder. On the backside you will see the fuse inside.
Wait- that's not how it's supposed to be? My left lever controls the rear brake; the brake itself is squeaky and not very strong.
That rear brake needs constant attention as it takes the majority of the weight and you need to clean the brake disk after every ride with alcohol. I carry a small bottle of soapy water and paper towels to wipe it down if it gets noisy on the road. You will need to also take the pads out after a few hundred miles and sand off the glaze than bed the pads in after they are installed.
btw... anyone receive their seagull with bent rear rotor and handbrake levers reversed? left side brake lever affects the rear brakes?
I think Ecotric must do them all backwards. I don't rememer if mine was backwards, but if it was, then I must have swapped the cables when assembling the bikes. Just loosen the cable at the caliper, line up the barrel adjuster slots on the lever and it comes right out.

As for bent rotors, I have straightened them after a mishap with a big crescent wrench. They weren't bent like tacos, so this was feasible. Might as well do that while waiting for a replacement from Ecotric. Don't have to pull the wheel to do that either, just the caliper.
Just has LBS replace slightly bent rear brake rotor, and they did install stem extender...also switched brake handles so i'm back to right/rear, front/left as i'm used to....The bike tech didn't have to extend any cables to extend my stem 2" :)...went thru entire bike, took customary evaluation ride....said it performed as well as their $2000 ebikes they sell....was very impressed!!!!!
Good deal, now have you checked some super tough no pop Big Ben plus tires from Schwalbe yet? You really need them or some like it. Those stock tires are
flats waiting to happen. The smallest thorn will leave you stranded. Also, no ceramic 20mm fuses anywhere. I'll have to go with the glass type but they will blow quicker. Did your battery come with the 20 mm size or the longer 30 mm?
You need to get a refund. Wrong fuses. Those are Fast Blow. They won't work. You need slow blow. The glass version will work in a pinch. The has them. My next battery will not be from Ecotric. They have no fuses! Those tires will not make it to Xmas. I had liners in them and Slime and they still failed.
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