Ecotric Hammer - Electric Bike Review

I have the Ecotric Seagull. I modified it to turn it from a mtb into a cruiser. I added Jones S, handelebars (Jones Bikes) and it all to comfort level. Addd a big cushy seat and added a good seat suspension as well. Now I have front and rear suspension. The tires that came with the bike went flat too much so I added kevlar tires that are near puncture proof. With fenders and lights, this bike is near perfect for me. I did have to replace the control unit, and battery, but Ecotric sent them to me, no problem. Still under warranty. I weigh 250 and can go 28 mph just like you said. I keep it in pos 3 and I can get around 40-45 miles on a charge with hills along the way. The battery works alot better in cooler weather. Better milage between 66-70. Great bike for the money for sure. Lots of fun!
Rob, what rear suspension did you add? i replaced original seat with large spring suspension seat, but probably need rear susp stem too....did you add stem extenders for the handlebar assembly? Id like to raside mine only 1-2inches, if cables allow it.
Ok, for the seat post suspension, which is my only rear suspension, I first tried the expensive Thudbuster as my girlfriend has one. But, the Thudbuster has a major drawback. The bracket that hooks it to your seat rail only has one bolt and it won't sty tight meaning you have to constantly tighten it down or you rock forward and back, especially if your on the heavy side like me. Isent mine back. My gf weighs just 110 and her's is working ok so far. So, I went with one that cost me 1/3 as much and has two support bolts to hole it in place and I love it. Here it is:
Now to raise those handlebars you need get an extender and then if you want real comfort and turn that mtb into a hybrid cruiser/mtb get the Jones H bar like mine. The sway back raised double bars gives alot of easy peddling and you feel and look good going down the road. And yes, you will need to have a shop replace the rear hydraulic brake line and bleed it, to go higher with the bars. It wasn't much. I had them do the whole thing for me. Under $100.00 total. (parts extra)
Did you order those punture proof tires yet? Hope so-tick tock -lol
You can see on my bike how far up I went with the bars so replacing the rear brake line was a must. But it now makes for a good ride and my arms are never sore. PS-That front fender is coming off today! Those big tires rub.


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