eBikes USA - Denver Area Ebike Shop Tour, SONDORS LX First Look

So you're disappointed with a BD bike because it didn't accommodate your ebike conversion well?
I did not convert it. It was so junky that I took the loss. I dusted my hands and walked away. It could be that their bikes are great and just this one was a dud. You should not need to create your own dropouts.
Would be interesting to hear Houshmand talk about opening this biz during a pandemic. He bought out another eBike biz, changed location and brand mix, more emphasis on service. Would love to know his thinking behind all this.
So these Diamondback models have not been released yet, but eBikes USA and now BikesDirect.com has them listed? Doesn't make sense. Did Diamondback just sell their name to BikesDirect.com? That's what it feels like. Like the Motobecane brand they have that has nothing to do with that brand's origin's from back in the day. And the prices are not all that great when we are talking about some rebadged medium quality at best Chinese bike with questionable after sales support..
So these Diamondback models have not been released yet, but eBikes USA and now BikesDirect.com has them listed? Doesn't make sense. Did Diamondback just sell their name to BikesDirect.com? That's what it feels like. Like the Motobecane brand they have that has nothing to do with that brand's origin's from back in the day. And the prices are not all that great when we are talking about some rebadged medium quality at best Chinese bike with questionable after sales support..
Not a big deal to DB because they have no bikes to sell yet.
If they have no bikes to sell, then where did BikesDirect.com get them?
My mistake. I thought the BD was a preorder.

Looks like DB is backpedaling on selling direct. They used to have a 20% off dealer price system, but they abandoned that, so now there's no reason not to buy thru a dealer unless one is too far from you. Which makes it ironic that BD is selling them. I think BD is just cashing in on a bike shortage and their usual lame high pressure sales copy to sell a few of these. They probably have lots of web traffic, so they can sell a few to people who don't know better or care.
The Sondors LS finally arrived last night. Here are photos and impressions with a bit of data.

Weight: 20.4Kg front, 20.4Kg rear, 90lbs.

Center of gravity above the hubs: 20cm front, 11Cm rear.

2 Hp, 1500W, 160Nm of torque.

Top Speed 46.7Mph.

Class: Not Class 2. This is a throttle motorcycle and is for motorcycle DMV licensed street use, or for private farms and ranches. This bike may not be ridden in bike lanes, on bike paths, or through parks. This is an illegal electric bike.

Weak point: This bike has a $20 CS-HG2007 cassette of gears. These are stamped steel, not milled, not case hardened, and are intended for casual use on regular bikes with less than 60Nm of torque. This bike will destroy these gears after only a handful of outings.

Note: The paint has an orange peal texture. The front has bundles of wires and connectors. The tires are not intended for pavement and are unsafe on paved surfaces. The front caliper did not arrive with a spacer, overextending the pads.

Next I am running out to pick up a Yuba to convert.


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Weird thing. These are 26 inch rims with 4.9 inch tires. The wheel size for the speedometer is locked at 26 inches. It should be set 20% higher at 31.
This is where I bought my Aventon Level and we're going to get one for my wife this Sunday. A great shop, courteous and I was treated professionally by the owner and staff. If you live in the area, check them out!
Wow, great thread! I just stumbled upon it by looking at the "what's new" section.

I called Houshmand as a result of a recent video he put up showing two Sondors Rockstars and stating a third was to come in in a few weeks. I proposed that I buy the third and he redirect its shipping to me. He didn't feel good about doing that because his mark up and what turned out to be reshipping would have added too much to the cost in his opinion.

Actually, I would have been money ahead as I then purchased a Sondors MXS to ride until my Rockstar gets here months from now. I didn't press the issue with him because it sounded like he really didn't want to sell the slate version yet to arrive.

In every way Houshmand strikes me as a person motivated by other things than money. I wish he had a store near me.
Great thread on a great store, run by someone who, first and foremost, loves ebikes and decided to find a way to make a living doing something he loves. I met Houshmand online maybe five years ago when he created his first AWD bike, and he generously shared every bit of information he could, and answered all of my then-newbie questions on my quest to build one myself. Seeing him go from a rider and builder to where he is now, taking care of people who are on the start of their own journey, has been very encouraging for the future of the industry. We need lots more like him.
And that M is where I come back around to the point of commerce, $, cost, capitalism. I would gladly pay a person like that, with expertise at among the highest levels, in my area of interest, to help me get to where I want to go in the most efficient manner.

I am an arborist and charge for bringing my considerable skill and knowledge to bear. Others can do as they see fit but, I will happily pay for services rendered.

A friend of mine just moved over to HI. He wants ebikes for he and his wife. Knowing how many hours I have spent just researching basic things on ebikes and knowing he probably won't want to spend the time doing this I suggested that he could probably hire a extremely skilled bike reviewer we know to consult with him. How valuable would that be, to tell a person what you want a bike to do for you and them automatically know that rules out all these bikes and here is your set of choices. This one gives you more of that, this other one adds in more of this...
Wow, great thread! I just stumbled upon it by looking at the "what's new" section.

I called Houshmand as a result of a recent video he put up showing two Sondors Rockstars and stating a third was to come in in a few weeks. I proposed that I buy the third and he redirect its shipping to me. He didn't feel good about doing that because his mark up and what turned out to be reshipping would have added too much to the cost in his opinion.

Actually, I would have been money ahead as I then purchased a Sondors MXS to ride until my Rockstar gets here months from now. I didn't press the issue with him because it sounded like he really didn't want to sell the slate version yet to arrive.

In every way Houshmand strikes me as a person motivated by other things than money. I wish he had a store near me.
You are right about Houshmand...he is in it of course as a business, but it is his passion!
Lx Weirdness.
An Lx came in with a shredded drivetrain yesterday. It is a Sondors that was skipping shifts. Crunch. I got a longer cage derailleur, trigger shifter to replace the budget twist shift, and a new wider range cassette and two e-chains. The chains are joined at equal lengths so that the quick links are always opposed. The shift cable must be extra-long, such as for a tandem.
When threading the new shift cable it would not go through! It turns out that the hidden gear sensor is under the battery's foot plate and that the two separate thru-frame shift housings from the front to rear join there. I hope this can help someone sometime.

Working under the battery foot plate is a pain! Please cover the battery inputs with tape or you will risk a residual copastor's huge welding jolt. One must push a sift cable through to pull the rear housing in, again, a huge pain to join at the sensor. But, big Butt here, the trigger shifter is a momentous improvement.
To view a few good bikes and totally weird eBike repairs in the N. SF Bay Area see PedalUma.com sometime. The latest has three chains, an electric mid-drive recumbent restoration that is the weirdest bike ever. I make the most mistakes daily. It is how I learn best. How do you roll? Where?


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