Ebike vs Escooter for delivery


New Member
Hello everyone

I'm going to start a delivery service in my city for online purchases. Right now I use an ebike which is fast and very good.
But I need to be more productive and couriers don't get tired from pedaling.
Do you suggest me to switch to escooters or better with ebikes?
If I should chose one, Give me some thoughts, which escooter model should I use?
Which ebike model should I use?

What kind of ebikes are you using for delivery? Tired from delivering on a ebike sounds crazy to me, but then again I work in a office. You may have to provide insurance if you switch to escooters, that's if your'e talking about the "e" version of a motor scooter. Just like ebike, there are a bunch of options for escooters. I tend to buy scooters that I can get local support for, from a brick and mortar dealer. NIU is a escooter company that's starting to get brick and mortar stores in the USA. For gas powered scooters they make a 50cc TGB Delivery that "may" not require insurance, but check with your local law for verification.
Factors include the law and regulations in your State and city. A scooter being heavier my be more secure from theft , can carry heavier lock and chain, harder to walk away, etc.