eBike Connect Wrong Altitude


New Member
New Zealand
I've seen a few posts here and on the wider internet about eBike Connect not showing altitude at all, but I have a different problem.

Altitude is shown, but it's wildly inaccurate. For example on my morning commute I ascend 164m according to the recording on Strava which is synced from eBike Connect. I know this is accurate within 10m or so. However, eBike Connect itself says 727m.

Despite that, the elevation chart in the eBike Connect app is accurate:

It's not even that it's displaying it in feet, because that would be 530 not 727.

Is this something I can fix somehow? I'm considering getting in touch with their customer service, but I'm not confident a faceless multinational like Bosch will be all that responsive.

(Not specific to Bosch) I have noticed that most of GPS based systems experience issues with calculating elevation or elevation gain. Perhaps because of use of barometric altimeter?

I do not trust the elevation gain given by my Wahoo GPS computers. Therefore, I always click the "Correct elevation" in Strava. For instance, my Roam v2 recently reported only 1 m of elevation gain in my area! Yes, my area is flat but the data corrected by Strava against the map gave 28 m, which is a realistic value.
You need an altimeter too to sort it out. but even then bot the Nyon and my Garmin don't have exactly the same altitudes over a ride.
I have observed the same thing using my gen. 1 Nyon and a Garmin Oregon 500. And if you take a long ride in changing weather conditions (barometic pressure changes) the elevation and elevation changes will be skewed even if you correctly calibrated the elevation at the beginning of your ride. I have read that some displays use topographic mapping data to calculate elevation changes, but I don't know if that has ever been verified or which systems may use that method.
I have a garmin 1030+ and it adjusts its self pretty well showing the right altitude at the start of each ride. I never check the nyon really anymore. my garmin shows 119 accent and the nyon 193 and strava that gets the info from the garmin 118
I'm sure about the barometric altitude explanation. The graph it plots of my altitude is accurate and also my commute is only 35 minutes over a 200m hill - there's no way the atmospheric pressure changes enough during that time to throw my ascent and descent readings out by a factor of 4, coincidentally at exactly the time I ride to work and ride home each day.