If you want 500w, and a easy step through frame...hm.
@PowerMe might disagree, but
@Court won't, you should check out the Pedego
Boomerang or the
Interceptor mini. Both are linked. They just seem to have the right specs and frames for what people are looking for in an Ebike.
I have and Easy Motion EVO City, but my parents have Pedegos. (Interceptors, I think.) They're pretty happy with them and they have step-thru frames in all sizes. Differences I've noted:
1. Pedego is a cadence-sensing pedal assist and Easy Motion is a torque-sensing pedal assist.
2. Pedego is a slightly more cruiser-style frame and my Easy Motion is more of a city or dutch style.
3. Pedego allows throttle and pedal assist at the same time while Easy Motion is either-or.
4. Pedego has step-thru frames in the larger frame sizes, not just the smaller sizes.
5. Pedego has it's battery up on the rack, which makes it more top-heavy than the Easy Motion with it's battery mounted low and in the front.
6. Pedegoes (at least the cruiser style) is a 7-speed. Easy Motion is a 24-speed.
7. Pedego is American-made and Easy Motion is made in Spain. (Or, at least that's where they're assembled. Lots (most?) of the parts on both are made in China.)
They are very equivalent, I think. Both decent bikes. I felt like Easy Motion was just slightly better for the things that mattered to me. The 24-speed was a selling-point for me, as was the battery location. On the other hand, my parents really wanted that step-thru frame on the larger frame size and the 7-speed was fine since they never ride unpowered. Probably the cadence-sensing pedal-assist was better for them too. They also liked that it was American made, which I did too, but not enough to settle for a 7-speed.
The power of the motors actually feel about the same to me when I ride them. I'm not sure how the battery range compares because my parents never let it run down very far to test it out.
My parents say that on their Pedegos when the battery gets low, the motor seems less powerful. So, they like to keep it topped off. I haven't noticed any particular performance difference in my Easy Motion's motor when its fully charged than when it's near empty. I'm not sure if this is an actual problem with Pedegos or not, but that's what my Dad claims and he rides one. *shrug*