Our metro bus transit has bike racks which I use from time to time to deal with 10 miles of heavy head winds. Last week a "supervisor" almost had me remove bike. Said the electric bikes' batteries blow up. Funny how they spent several million on some new electric buses which have 60% of promised range. Our city just promoted e-bike rentals 4 years ago and they left town during lockdown. Lack of business. 4 e-scooters sources and now down to only 2 left.
Are transit companies biased against e-bikes? (another bus driver overheard the conversation and said she wouldn't allow an electric. "Too heavy")
I understand no way on the gas engine conversions. My question has a political tone to it since cities are involved in promoting bikes, painting bike lanes and tossing a wrench into their own promotions. City is spending a fortune on new bridges and concrete paved bike paths.
My bike is 48 pounds and the engineering spec sheet on the racks is for 2 55# bikes. Plus the racks have a static load capacity rating of 250 pounds so a dude can stand on the rack and wash the bus wind shield.
My opinion is that kits for conversion have inferior QC standards. The bus system rider revenue is way down and scolding bike riders and people who wear masks improperly is damaging business also.
I have access to the brightest engineer. Daughter has doctorate in EE. published a textbook, is a bike racing person, tri-athlete and ultra marathon runner. That has no relevance to CDL bus drivers and their route mentality. 20% of the drivers are so robust they require an extension for their seatbelt. I notice unhealthy people sometimes have issues with athletic types.
Do we see bias?
I also am aware in bike engineering there is rivalry between metal bender engineers and the rag and glue bike designs ..carbon fiber.
Are transit companies biased against e-bikes? (another bus driver overheard the conversation and said she wouldn't allow an electric. "Too heavy")
I understand no way on the gas engine conversions. My question has a political tone to it since cities are involved in promoting bikes, painting bike lanes and tossing a wrench into their own promotions. City is spending a fortune on new bridges and concrete paved bike paths.
My bike is 48 pounds and the engineering spec sheet on the racks is for 2 55# bikes. Plus the racks have a static load capacity rating of 250 pounds so a dude can stand on the rack and wash the bus wind shield.
My opinion is that kits for conversion have inferior QC standards. The bus system rider revenue is way down and scolding bike riders and people who wear masks improperly is damaging business also.
I have access to the brightest engineer. Daughter has doctorate in EE. published a textbook, is a bike racing person, tri-athlete and ultra marathon runner. That has no relevance to CDL bus drivers and their route mentality. 20% of the drivers are so robust they require an extension for their seatbelt. I notice unhealthy people sometimes have issues with athletic types.
Do we see bias?
I also am aware in bike engineering there is rivalry between metal bender engineers and the rag and glue bike designs ..carbon fiber.