E-bike for mental well-being.

Ravi Kempaiah

Well-Known Member
E-bikes are extremely valuable and effective therapy tool. Both for physiotherapy and mental well-being.
Let me give you a real life example.

In India, arranged marriages are common and sometimes it doesn't workout for various reasons. My brother recently got divorced (3 months ago) and he is a kind person who thinks/worries a lot. I thought he would slide towards depression but something interesting happened.

Last December, I gifted him an E-bike (Neo Jumper 650B) and I think he is the only guy to have such a bike in India :) Anyway, he really liked the bike but he couldn't use much for a couple of months. He has a regular bike but the hills are a killer.

After the divorce, I suggested him to start biking regularly. I told him it really boosts your dopamine and oxytocin levels ( google it, might be related to runner's high as well) . It was just my intuitive feeling. The joy of exploring new places, adrenaline rush, you know this truly brings out the joyous child in you.

He (Raghu) took is seriously and started biking. You won't believe it. It has totally changed him. He says, after commuting to office on his bike, he doesn't get stuck in old thoughts and his energy levels are excellent.

Most important of all, he is sleeping really well and naturally, his health is a lot better. He thinks, he is in a far better shape than he ever was. He has made a lot of bike buddies too.

In hindsight, it makes me think, his life that would have been spent on worrying about the past, ill effects of memories etc, are all eliminated because of something like a bike.

I will ask him to take a picture and send it to me. If you have some related stories, please do share and as always keep riding.

Meanwhile, something related.

The soul.jpg
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Yes indeed Ravi. My dog and my eBike are a couple of my best friends.
I ride in to work most days, and I get there in a better mood than when I leave my cottage.
It makes me remember how much we all have to be thankful for.
I too am divorced, yet I have more joy in each day than some folks enjoy in a year. And the bike is an important part of my therapy.
I enjoy the birds and other wildlife I see along my route, the little brooks and the changing wildflowers as the Summer unfolds.
Most remarkably I get to work in such a great mood. I love my work, but so look forward to my ride home.
I never felt that way when I commuted by car. And trust me, I love driving.
You see (and smell) so much more from the saddle of a bike than you do when caged in an air-conditioned automobile.
Glad the eBike is helping your Brother as well. Your post was very inspiring.
Yes indeed Ravi. My dog and my eBike are a couple of my best friends.
I ride in to work most days, and I get there in a better mood than when I leave my cottage.
It makes me remember how much we all have to be thankful for.
I too am divorced, yet I have more joy in each day than some folks enjoy in a year. And the bike is an important part of my therapy.
I enjoy the birds and other wildlife I see along my route, the little brooks and the changing wildflowers as the Summer unfolds.
Most remarkably I get to work in such a great mood. I love my work, but so look forward to my ride home.
I never felt that way when I commuted by car. And trust me, I love driving.
You see (and smell) so much more from the saddle of a bike than you do when caged in an air-conditioned automobile.
Glad the eBike is helping your Brother as well. Your post was very inspiring.

Awesome, Allen. Thanks for being a role model.
Convey my wishes to Callie as well:)
Great story Ravi. Along these lines, my wife is overseas taking care of her father who has stage four cancer. I'm at home watching our 3 year old. My favorite thing to do is to pull him in a trailer using an ebike. We are able to go to so many places this way it's amazing. He gets out side, I get some exercise, and we usually stop at cool places on the mall. I could never cover our typical 30 to 40 mile ride with a traditional bike, much of which has hills. Easily, we can kill 6 hours riding around DC. The fact that I can leverage the ebike into full days of having adventures with my kid really makes it so much more valuable for my use cases than a motorcycle or traditional bike. These are fun full days and we can get to pretty much anywhere from our front door.
E-bikes are extremely valuable and effective therapy tool. Both for physiotherapy and mental well-being.
Let me give you a real life example.

In India, arranged marriages are common and sometimes it doesn't workout for various reasons. My brother recently got divorced (3 months ago) and he is a kind person who thinks/worries a lot. I thought he would slide towards depression but something interesting happened.

Last December, I gifted him an E-bike (Neo Jumper 650B) and I think he is the only guy to have such a bike in India :) Anyway, he really liked the bike but he couldn't use much for a couple of months. He has a regular bike but the hills are a killer.

After the divorce, I suggested him to start biking regularly. I told him it really boosts your dopamine and oxytocin levels ( google it, might be related to runner's high as well) . It was just my intuitive feeling. The joy of exploring new places, adrenaline rush, you know this truly brings out the joyous child in you.

He (Raghu) took is seriously and started biking. You won't believe it. It has totally changed him. He says, after commuting to office on his bike, he doesn't get stuck in old thoughts and his energy levels are excellent.

Most important of all, he is sleeping really well and naturally, his health is a lot better. He thinks, he is in a far better shape than he ever was. He has made a lot of bike buddies too.

In hindsight, it makes me think, his life that would have been spent on worrying about the past, ill effects of memories etc, are all eliminated because of something like a bike.

I will ask him to take a picture and send it to me. If you have some related stories, please do share and as always keep riding.

Meanwhile, something related.

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wow! you're a great brother!