The new bike feels like it has less torque AND less speed than my old one. Maybe I just got a good one on the first go around. For 3-4MPH difference I won't sweat it. With only a 250W motor and a 36V 8AH battery this one is entry level all the way. Might sell it later on and buy a 500W front hub motor kit for my other bike. Not that excited about a front mounted hub motor, but that's the quick and easy way to go.
One thing I remember from my motorcycle days (and I have the scars to show for it), the faster the bike will go the faster I will ride it, which is not always a good thing. 50 years ago I had a Honda 160 Dream and my best friend had exactly the same bike, and his would outrun mine in a 1/4 mile run and for top speed too, so there's always some variance in these things.