DID YOU BOTHER TO READ THE COMMENTS In what you posted ?: Odd how it's just claims linked to nothing . John Macarther himself publicly says that's untrue . Has stood up in front of teh church several times in this regard . Nobody is covering up or afraid to say something . When you guys going to realize real Christians don't lie . It would defeat the whole reason for being a Believer . We don't need to lie . For MacArther to stand up in front of his Congregation and state there's no cases . Would defeat the whole purpose of the Ministry . He actually just addressed all of this again last week That Church would fall apart like many churches that have lied have. We are about TRUTH:
Maybe not you , but your side are liars . They always have been . Yet it's us you always accuse of doing what you are doing . Like kids who blame their friend when they are the guilty party . The one case there was happened to be a Guard at the church sent thru the city . Who was only there once. There are videos where he's preaching and points out city health officials in the back of the church. If the article is true why would they remain open and why would people be coming in masses? More then ever . No social distancing in a packed church.
Nobody would be meeting if this was the case . Here's another example Jack Hibbs's Church . I think it's Chino Hills California . Just as many people going there . Packed . Nobody is spreading covid there . Barry Stanger's Church also California is another . I could keep going

We don't need to lie . Our King is not a Corrupted Govt Official. Or a So called organization that still calls itself Christian that hasn't been for years . Namely the one you posted the article from . That's a Church doing the states bidding. The Christian Post supports the LGBT . It says God used evolution lol . Pick a legit source will yah . They are on Your side .
Your side just can't stand it that Christian's don't fear Covid . That doesn't mean we aren't practical .