Customer service is awesome


Active Member
Broke 2 spokes and lectric sent me 5 replacement free of charge.while repairing I noticed 5 more broken spokes.emailed support and they fixing the problem free of lectric ebikes best customer service around
Broke 2 spokes and lectric sent me 5 replacement free of charge.while repairing I noticed 5 more broken spokes.emailed support and they fixing the problem free of lectric ebikes best customer service around
thats not bad but if it was great they would have paid a shop to fix your wheel for you. you need a new wheel that one is trashed.
My experience with Lectric so far is pointing in the opposite direction. They are responsive, you can reach them by phone or email, and they do send replacement parts so that's a positive but their "service network" in my area is useless and I've been left to my own devices to troubleshoot a very annoying problem with a brand new bike. But yeah, they've been good about sending parts so there's that...

But what they really need is an exchange policy so if a brand new bike has a problem they can't figure out, they exchange it instead of just sending a bunch of parts that end up not fixing the problem.

On the bright side, the fact that I've been left with DIY has helped me re-learn how to work on bikes after not working on them for over 30 years. Not exactly why I bought the bike to begin with though. I'd much rather spend all that time riding it.
I've been away from the biking world for decades, only coming back with the purchase of a couple of XP2.0st bikes last Christmas, but I'm wondering why a bike shop couldn't fix these things. They appear to me to be just generic 7-speed bikes with added electronics. But those electronics appear to be very reliable (consider how many issues out of the ~140,000 Lectrics out there) and Lectric is quick to send out replacement parts at no charge.

I can understand how a LBS would not like the bike simply because of the direct-to-buyer sales model (which cuts him out of a substantial markup) but I con't see how there was something weird about the bike that he couldn't repair if he wanted to.