Crowdsourcing an answer to "When is an ebike an ebike?".


New Member
My question is, "Is an ebike without a battery to power the electric assist motor or with an inoperative electric assist motor still an ebike?"

This question arose out of an interesting discussion of class 1 and class 3 ebikes between a group of cyclists randomly assembled at a trailhead.

I thought this question was a perfect topic of conversation for this discussion group.

One cyclist was going to a state where the use of class 3 ebikes is limited to certain trails, whereas class 1 ebikes and analogue bikes are allowed on a much wider range of trails.

This cyclist pondered if they could just remove the battery, which effectively converts their class 3 to an un-powered bike, and then ride their bike on a the trails where class 1 ebikes and analogue bikes are allowed.

Another cyclist expanded the original question to include the situation where the electric assist motor is inoperative, either because the battery was completely depleted or the electric assist motor is broken.

A tangential but interesting point that I picked up from this discussion is that laws in some states presuppose that all class 3 ebikes are mountain bikes. My class 3 cruiser bike, Natasha is having an identity crisis.
I vote an ebike with no battery (or other form of stored elec) present should be allowed on analog only bike trails. Not present is more restrictive than uninstalled.
STUFF IT! I ride my eBike on ANY trail. Never faster than acoustic bikes. Typically under 12MPH. See you in court if need be.
It's been beaten to death here for years and will doubtless bring out the haters, again.
Panties tucked up a little tight? This appears to be looking for opinions on how the status of an ebike might change if the motor is disabled or battery non existant.
I ride conversions, so if the battery is removed, my bikes ride like regular bike with some dead weight around the axles or pedals.
On the other hand, I don't feel that disconnecting a throttle in the field makes my bike a class 1. I'd remove it, a couple of minutes if the grips are held by clamps, a lot longer if they're friction.
Panties tucked up a little tight? This appears to be looking for opinions on how the status of an ebike might change if the motor is disabled or battery non existant.
Gotta make it a misogynist comment about underwear? Thanks “Richard”.
And sure enough here you are. Straight to an insult.

ALL eBike motors have drag. Purists will always feel it’s excessive. It’s been a common complaint for all of my near decade of riding and 3/4 of a decade of having done support. Hells bells there are even threads here with complaints of BBSxx series drag. IME the lowest drag of all three types of motors.

No drag = acoustic. Period.