Como 3.0 not giving enough push...compared to others


New Member
A group of us last year all bought the Como 4 of us 2.0, 2 got 3.0 and one 4.0. Lately, my husbands bike is not giving him the the help up the hill you would expect, it was never that great but seems to be worse. I blow right by him on my 2.0 with not much effort and he is standing up on the biking trying to get up the hill. The other person in the group that has the 3.0 has the step thru and seems to be fine although not has powerful as mine 2.0 either. Is there anything that can be changed. We are heading to Block island and Marthas vineyard and Aacdia soon. Thanks.
how much does your husband weigh compared to you?

might want to buy a more robust ebike for him before you go.
Hard to figure if it's just the rider or the bike. Switch bikes between people to study if it's the rider or the bike. Are you and he climbing in the same gear? Isn't the 4.0 a Class 3? Only class 1 ebikes are allowed in Acadia.
HI, husband is below 200lbs and yes weights more then me but we switch the bikes between then and everyone notices a difference. I was able to climb on 3 with gear 6 or 7 and he was on 3 even on the lowest 1 and I went right by him. Yes, his is the 3.0 so class 1 our friends is class 3 but you cant notice any difference they all look the same so I don't think he will have a problem there.
If your Como 3 series has the same motor as mine,the 1.2e or 1.3e it is less "torquey" than the 1.2 or 1.3 in the class 3 bikes. I am looking to replace the 48 tooth chainring with a 40 tooth from a Vado for better climbing, but lower top speed. That might help.
There are 2 - Como 3s in your group. One seems less powerful than the other. I'd check a couple of things;

Connect to each bike and compare the Mission Control app settings for the assist levels. I believe the factory defaults are Eco = 35/35, Sport = 65/65, and Turbo = 100/100. If one of the Como 3s has lower settings it will not provide as much help to the rider. You can adjust the settings in the app.

As @Art Deco mentioned, the current model year Como 3 has the 1.2e motor. This motor develops 50Nm of torque. Earlier model Como 3s had the 1.2 motor that developed 75Nm of torque. Your dealer should be able to confirm the model year with each bike's model and serial number.

As an aside, the out of production Como 2 was equipped with the 1.2 motor as well. It also has a 40t front chain ring giving it a climbing advantage over the Como 3s as they have 48t chain rings for more speed.
I appreciate all the information. I love my Como 2.0 I am hope I can find something that works just as good when its time to get a new one. My question is thou the 2.0 and 3.0 both have a top speed of 20mph so I guess I am not understanding you that they have different chain? But, if replacing helps with the climb I will have my husband look into it.
I appreciate all the information. I love my Como 2.0 I am hope I can find something that works just as good when its time to get a new one. My question is thou the 2.0 and 3.0 both have a top speed of 20mph so I guess I am not understanding you that they have different chain? But, if replacing helps with the climb I will have my husband look into it.
It's the chain ring that is different between the Como 2 & 3. The chain ring is the large gear where the pedals are mounted. Changing the chain ring on the Como 3 48t (tooth) to be the same as the Como 2 40t chain ring will help with climbing but will reduce the top speed as the gear ratio has changed.

As to the "top speed of 20mph"; both the Como 2 & 3 bikes are Class 1 electric bikes. By law they limit their motor electric assist to no more than 20mph. You can ride faster, but the motor won't be helping above 20mph. With their larger chain ring the Como 3 bikes can get above 20mph more easily than the Como 2 with its smaller chain ring.
This helps so much. Thanks for the explanation. Now to see if we can find one before our trip next week. Thanks again!!
It's not going to be easy. The part is not readily available; and it is the LBS to do the work. Ask them if they could order the 40T chain-ring for the Como, how long would that take, etc.
This helps so much. Thanks for the explanation. Now to see if we can find one before our trip next week. Thanks again!!
If you chose to buy parts yourself, be aware that the Como chain ring is a 'wide narrow' style where the teeth alternate in shape and size. This helps prevent the chain from coming off the chain ring when shifting. The chain must be installed so the links match the correct teeth. There are posts and videos that detail this.
Great Stefan . Will give it a try. Also, my friend just got his 4.0 a few months ago and has no problem going up the hill I assume that is because his is a class 3 and different settings also.
Sierratime - Will let my husband know.. My son races dirtbikes and and they are always working on them so hopefully it won't be a big deal for him but go to love youtube for stuff like that.
Great Stefan . Will give it a try. Also, my friend just got his 4.0 a few months ago and has no problem going up the hill I assume that is because his is a class 3 and different settings also.
Sierratime - Will let my husband know.. My son races dirtbikes and and they are always working on them so hopefully it won't be a big deal for him but go to love youtube for stuff like that.
Class 3 bikes are limited to 28mph motor assist speed. It doesn't impact the motor torque for climbing, just when motor assistance is no longer available; 20mph for Class 1, 28mph for Class 3.
Class 3 bikes are limited to 28mph motor assist speed. It doesn't impact the motor torque for climbing, just when motor assistance is no longer available; 20mph for Class 1, 28mph for Class 3.
But different Como models have different torque; and Como 3.0 has a weaker motor than those found in 2.0, 4.0, and 5.0.
Yes, I have no clue about bikes at all.. sorry. Just does not make sense for all 6 of us to go out and ride and my husband bike is the only one that can't make it up a hill to the point where he has to get off the bike and walk it up and the rest of us just truck right by him. Thanks.
As I mentioned (see post #6) it's certainly possible that one of two things is going on with your husband's bike;

1. The assist levels are not set to provide full motor assist, or

2. Your husband is riding a current model year Como where the other bikes are earlier production models.

Either one of these could explain the hill climbing you've mentioned.

Gearing will also play a part, but I would suggest you check these items while you're ordering a new chain ring.
A group of us last year all bought the Como 4 of us 2.0, 2 got 3.0 and one 4.0. Lately, my husbands bike is not giving him the the help up the hill you would expect, it was never that great but seems to be worse. I blow right by him on my 2.0 with not much effort and he is standing up on the biking trying to get up the hill. The other person in the group that has the 3.0 has the step thru and seems to be fine although not has powerful as mine 2.0 either. Is there anything that can be changed. We are heading to Block island and Marthas vineyard and Aacdia soon. Thanks.

Is he taking advantage of the Turbo mode? Using Turbo (rather than eco or sport mode) on the occasions where extremely strong headwinds or steep hills are concerned definitely levels the playing field.