Commuter Log

Absolutely Awesome Chris! Post your rides here in the Commuter Log! :) Today on my ride back home from work I stopped at my favorite bicycle store and let the dudes who work there test drive the bike. They both came back with big grins. The owner is thinking about adding an ebike to his lineup. Says he's getting a lot more calls this year for ebikes.
Based on one 11 mile ride, I'm impressed that the range looks good. Started with a fully charged battery, and it was only down to 80%, including a decent climb. Runkeeper told me I had climbed a total of 1000 feet. Used regen on the downhill (and still gained speed) and mostly econ. Turbo on the uphill. I could never have climbed with just my legs. This bike is going to get me out riding again, something that is priceless.
I found a decent alternative today that shortened the commute by 1 mile. It was pretty cold going to town but all was well. It's Friday. Freezing rain or snow forecasted for tonight. It's interesting I'm now hoping for a good weather for Monday instead of just checking out the forecast for the weekend.
We have had good weather here in upstate NY for the past couple of days, and I was able to add 20 miles on to the Neo Carbon. The more I ride the bike, the more happy I am for the puchase. Like Chris says, the Ebike has got me out riding again, which probably would not have happened otherwise.
So, last week I commuted to work 5 times if I count saturday's road rash extravaganza. Monday it rained and tuesday to Friday I biked to work.

Sunday I rode regular bike with my wife around the bay and through the Old Port.

Today I got outside and it was still freezing but not too bad. The dirt path that used to be all covered in snow is now part mud and part ice. A bit ricky in spots but it is ok.

I have pedaled on eco for the first half of the trip and then once I reached morning traffic I engaged the Turbo. The morning air was refreshing and I felt so happy to be doing this.

At work I could not wait to hop on the bike and ride home. I got stuck doing some data reconciliation and ended up leaving work about 10 minutes later than planned, I was going in Turbo all the way home. Passed the same school bus twice, waved to 3 commuters along the way.

Going up the icy dirt road was tricky but the joy and adrenaline gave me the extra push.

Dentist appointment tomorrow and 2 inches of rain in the forecast. I am taking the car.
Good for you Brambor. Your tenacity is impressive... I hope it heats up soon for ya
I only logged one day last week, but at least I had the excuse that it rained a few days and I also had a dentist appointment last week. My goal is to commute at least 2 sometimes 3x a week. I am off this week and the weather is awesome, so next week I'm back at it.
Brambor you are making me feel like a wimp.
life does get in a way Vern. I was to bike to work today but instead got a phone all at 3:15am and had to drive to work. Worked until 7:30am drove home and slept until 11.

went for a ride in our neighborhood. My 16 year old son on the turbo and I on my belt drive Scott Sub 10. It was an amazing contrast on uphills when I was in my lowest (easiest) gear and he simply blew by me. Wow. I understood the sour taste of the ebike antagonists immediately :)
I used some app to map my ride to work this morning.


I have quite improved the route down to 10.1 miles. The icy patches of snow were easy to avoid and the snow on the field was all but a surface crust. I actually biked the field today. 32 minutes from door to door. Good times.
So, yesterday I wanted to post that the snow is all gone. It was. The dirt trail was muddy, that's all.

This morning I woke up to a winter wonderland :)


April weather I suppose. The best I could do is to put the bike on the car and plan on biking home from work and then pick up the car later tonight or tomorrow after we do some grocery shopping in the city. :)
So, yesterday I wanted to post that the snow is all gone. It was. The dirt trail was muddy, that's all.

This morning I woke up to a winter wonderland :)

April weather I suppose. The best I could do is to put the bike on the car and plan on biking home from work and then pick up the car later tonight or tomorrow after we do some grocery shopping in the city. :)
Don't tell me you leave that thing outside all night? I would put that baby right next to my bed, or even in it, if I had to.
Coming home from work yesterday on my Neo Carbon, I stopped at a stoplight with another bike. A friendly chap who said, "Nice Bike!" When the light turned green I was kind of embarrassed to whip past the guy, but ahh what the hell; I did it anyway. As fate would have it I got stuck at the next light, he caught up and asked me, "What kind of motor you got in that thing? You accelerated so fast!" I told him, "Yeah, it makes commuting a lot more practical and FUN!" The light turned green and I took off and never saw him again. I am not sure how I would feel if our positions were reversed, but boy do I love my bike!!
I have a similar situation on Monday. I biked to lunch. At a red light I met up with a lycra clad race biker. I said. Hi, I thought it would be warmer than that. The forecast was for 69F while the actual temp was around 50. He said yeah. The light turned green and I just took off like a rocket :) (in comparison)
I biked home from work today and was freezing all of my appendages off :) Wicked cold and windy. whew. Met for lunch with 3 fellow bike commuter as a part of a '' thing. Had a great time.
I biked home from work today and was freezing all of my appendages off :) Wicked cold and windy. whew. Met for lunch with 3 fellow bike commuter as a part of a '' thing. Had a great time.
Hey Brambor, I bet you already know this but I've been told to be careful when topping off tire air pressure in cold weather because as it gets warm the air expands and that can burst the tube. This was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the bike on your car. I used to top off my road bike tires off nearly every day to avoid pinch flats but the over inflating thing can be worse it sounds like... This is just what I've heard, never actually had a tire explode on me :)

Awesome picture by the way... it's official, you're a bad ass :cool: