Oh, I forgot about responsibility. Blaming 'them' removes personal responsibility. Being part of a mob takes away personal responsibility. Following a mob boss's orders takes away feeling responsible because, 'I was just following orders.'
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Articles of faith make for a sense of belonging to a tribe. And for a belonging us, while making for an unfaithful 'them.' The more outlandish the stronger the effect. The clearer the lines then and the more warm fuzees of belonging and the more fear and hatred of the not us, thems. It is their fault, them, them, and them. At that point when confronted with information contradicting the articles, and being 'persecuted' for fidelity to the us, makes one a martyr and saint. The anger and hate of the others feels good and is addictive. Also to explain away facts make for ever more outlandish imagined scenarios to justify and make them fit with prior articles of faith.
Stuart Stevens says trumps appeal to The bulk of the white Christian evangelicals lies in his similarity to ostentatious preachers. Truth has been turned on its head…lies massaged nightly to confirm and direct the bias’ of their flock. Fox guarding the henhouse
Stuart Stevens says trumps appeal to The bulk of the white Christian evangelicals lies in his similarity to ostentatious preachers. Truth has been turned on its head…lies massaged nightly to confirm and direct the bias’ of their flock. Fox guarding the henhouse
Yes, the fox was deemed the guardian of the Hen House. 45 put compliantly loyal do nothing incompetent ideological players in charge of the nation's regulatory watch dog agencies, setting Scott free the foxes to rule the roost. EPA... These officials were not even give power, just Acting Secretary status because they couldn't pass public scrutiny and could be easily fired and replaced with another acting secretary of HUD or the Department of the Interior...
Oh, I forgot about responsibility. Blaming 'them' removes personal responsibility. Being part of a mob takes away personal responsibility. Following a mob boss's orders takes away feeling responsible because, 'I was just following orders.'
Yes it has been proven many times over, People in a mob will do things individually that they wouldn't normally do. In a group the piss-head wannabees will zero in on someone they feel is weaker, because they think it takes the spotlight off of them and they think the "big man" approves( usually not) One cure(if applied correctly) is to single the trouble maker out and let the group show them why they are on the wrong path( unlike putting the 100# Little Guy in the ring with a 300# @$$#ole Bully) a real leader will single out the perp or make the group suffer which accomplishes pretty much the same thing.
This makes me wonder. It seemed like the diesel crew took down their flags. Now I see brand new flags popping up and a semi beater diesel with three of the usual flags (brand new and up to date with 2024 on one) sitting in the middle of an empty parking lot area, idling away.

On a good note, there are less of the beasts running around now.
This makes me wonder. It seemed like the diesel crew took down their flags. Now I see brand new flags popping up and a semi beater diesel with three of the usual flags (brand new and up to date with 2024 on one) sitting in the middle of an empty parking lot area, idling away.

On a good note, there are less of the beasts running around now.
I have a friend on a cul-de-sac with a next door neighbor like that. The guy used to have a #45 flag that said 'f' your feelings. Now it is 'T' 24. I think it is important to know something hookers know with a wink and a nod to each other. The bigger the truck the smaller the d____.
Lisa was a competitive cyclist at 60. Non-responsive. Coma! Traumatic brain injury. Multiple broken bones. This is likely first degree murder if she doesn't make it out of the ICU.