Oakland, a big port town, will not let coal trains pass. As mentioned that 'piece' is satire. It is like Kim Jong-Ung getting bent out of shape from an 'article' in the Onion.
Their website says that it is satire. They also have things like this:
I suspect that they are supper smart people that need a something to keep them from going nuts in this crazy world. Here they are associating Right with Dumb.
It's probably from the Powder River area in MT/WY via the Columbia River gorge and is on the way up to Delta, BC where it will head off to China on a boat. About 5 trains/day. I happened to catch 2 of them on Sunday.
You’re correct. It’s going up our way and overseas out of Roberts Bank. (Delta Port) I recall it had something to do with it not being able to go out of US west coast ports, like we want anymore coal rolling over the rails up here. People up here aren’t happy about it, well, the exception being Delta Port mgmt/employees I suppose. CN
In Oakland there has been a big push against 'environmental racism,' which really just means that poor people live by industrial areas, next to rail lines and freeways where rents are lowest. These people also have childhood asthma rates that are through the roof and many other health problems. That is why the coal trains were stopped. All it did was push them to less resourced areas. See that mountain. That is on the other side of the bay. That is Mt. Tam where the rich live and mountain biking was invented, where the air comes off the Pacific.
In the early 50’s coal furnaces were so common that playing out side meant your Sunday white shirt would have a black collar ring from airborne coal soot. And in summer revel in the DDT truck spraying cruising residential streets to get rid of mosquitoes.

Then there was the Popular Mechanics article suggesting we nuke the North Pole to eliminate cold weather.

Completely OT but I read my step dads death certificate and the type of cancer he had somehow sounded familiar. He was in an Army radio operator group. Stationed near Lost Wages. Turns out I was right and I found the Nuclear Soldiers Project. The test site had him and his radio exposed and entrenched above ground for the above ground testing of nukes.

Those years were nothing like Father Knows Best. Leave It To Beaver was a hope not a reality.
Wonder if the 75% increase in the cost of diesel is slowing the fools down a bit?
I haven't done enough on the road research yet. I think traffic is down a tiny bit. The one thing I have noticed is that the political flags that were attached to the trucks are pretty much (finally) gone. I'll check the weather and maybe pedal to the Farmer's Market in the next town down river.

People are angry about fuel prices. I fear it has affected their driving manners. Be careful out there.
Nost-algia is a sickness. The 'Put it back to when it was Great' thinking is twisted and sick. Do we really want DDT trucks? Lynchings? Open air nukes? Smog with lead? Ash trays in elevators? Rivers that catch fire? Today, here there is a big classic car rally with people who want to put it back to 1956.
We see those trains daily in West Virginia. I road through a "coal zone" the other day. There's lots of black dust and occasional chunks on the road. They still have coal power plants here and elsewhere.
Yes…but he’s ossified in his preoccupations particularly complaining about ‘wokeness’ every week as if there are pitchforks outside his window. Same with Covid mitigation. There are other frequent targets such as LGBT community. His sense of humor has lost its assurance…I still watch but with much less amusement
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