Choosing an E-Bike Class 1 versus Class 3?

If you want to do +20mph offroad you'll going need a full suspension eMTB. Hardtail is fine downhill at high speeds as you can stand up, but forget about pedaling sitting down on offroad trails at these speeds even with suspension seat post.
If you want to do +20mph on a road, I suggest getting the best helmet you can afford and full leather or body armor. A crash at those speeds could easily be fatal. All it takes is one texting driver doing a turn in front of you and the rest is hisory....
Me and the wife just bought the Verve +3 bikes two weeks ago. Looking at the specs the Allant 7 is similar to the Verve +3 but has a much stronger motor but the same battery. I test drove a Verve 2. Don’t quote me on these numbers but a Verve 2 has a 40 n-m torque motor and the Verve 3 has 50 n-m motor. I could immediately tell the more powerful motor when test riding. It looks like the Allant 7 has a 85 n-m motor. If you have a lot of hills the stronger motor would be nice but turned up would use the battery up quicker.

A class 3? We rented some about a week before we bought ours. The throttle is nice but for us a class 1 works out fine. Today was our longest ride, about 23 miles. We rode 17 yesterday and didn’t charge them, the range was getting low, for us that’s probably going to put us in the 40 to 60 mile range on a charge.

I wanted a regular frame. I’m 59 years old and can still get on one but it’s getting awkward, so I won’t with a step through. Good luck on the search, they are getting hard to find.
Me and the wife just bought the Verve +3 bikes two weeks ago. Looking at the specs the Allant 7 is similar to the Verve +3 but has a much stronger motor but the same battery. I test drove a Verve 2. Don’t quote me on these numbers but a Verve 2 has a 40 n-m torque motor and the Verve 3 has 50 n-m motor. I could immediately tell the more powerful motor when test riding. It looks like the Allant 7 has a 85 n-m motor. If you have a lot of hills the stronger motor would be nice but turned up would use the battery up quicker.

A class 3? We rented some about a week before we bought ours. The throttle is nice but for us a class 1 works out fine. Today was our longest ride, about 23 miles. We rode 17 yesterday and didn’t charge them, the range was getting low, for us that’s probably going to put us in the 40 to 60 mile range on a charge.

I wanted a regular frame. I’m 59 years old and can still get on one but it’s getting awkward, so I won’t with a step through. Good luck on the search, they are getting hard to find.
Congratulations "Dodgeman” for finding the two Verve+ 3 bikes. Enjoy your rides with your wife in the nice autumn weather. My search has covered five states without much success.

I also want to thank the whole EBR Forum Community for your insightful comments and views to my initial posting. This has been very helpful to me. Given my long absence from bike riding I’m reaching the conclusion that I do not need a Class 3 - 28 MPH Bike to ride on the off-road trails. I think my best choices would be the Allant+ 7 Lowstep or the Verve+ 3 Lowstep. Unfortunately none are available. If I ordered one today I may received in Spring. Making the decision to order one now more difficult is that I may have an opportunity to buy the Class 3 Allant+ 7S Stagger in an adjoining state. As the saying goes “a bird in hand is better than two in the bush”. More to think about.

All the bike shops I visited and talked to across 5 states were super friendly and helpful to me despite that they had no inventory to sell. Certainly challenging times for them. I’m now however somewhat surprised and disappointed that none of them shared with me to be mindful of the potential legalities with riding a Class 3 e-Bike on public trails. Especially when I told them my objective was to ride on pubic park and trails versus on the road with automobiles. Interesting in that they all too must not feel the rule is enforced if you are riding in a respectful manner.

Again thanks to all for your input.
I wonder if there's any difference between the Bosch Speed DU and the CX other than the top speed and the alternative power settings on the CX? They have the same torque spec, 85 nm. IIRC, the Speed DU is a pound heavier than the CX, but is that material on a 50+ pound bike?
My reliable Trek source informed me that Trek‘s first segue into the Bosch Smart System is with the 2022 Rail with the CX motor.
We bought our bikes in Burlington Iowa, which is on the Mississippi. The last time I was there he just got off the phone with someone from California who was going to drive to Iowa to pick up an E bike. I guess that shows they are tough to find.
My Priority Current shipped as a Class 1 by default. You can change it to Class 3 easily at your own discretion. (No Class 2 option. In other words, no throttle). There are other bikes with the same capability I believe, although I don't remember off hand which they are.
I might be a little prejudice, I've owned a Bosch class 3 bike for over 6 years now. Never had an issue on any bike path or rail trail. Even on paths stating no E-bikes or motor assisted vehicles. I spoke to several rangers from the NY Parks Department while on the trail, and they're primarily looking for speedsters on scooters, motorized skateboards and class 2 violators.
Just as for any one and a half ton vehicle on the road, violations are determined by irresponsible drivers, not their vehicles.
I've stated it many times before on this forum, there should be:

Speed Restrictions not Class Restrictions!

On my Class 3 ebike, I can go as slow as any other class ebike.
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I might be a little prejudice, I've owned a Bosch class 3 bike for over 6 years now. Never had an issue on any bike path or rail trail. Even on paths stating no E-bikes or motor assisted vehicles. I spoke to several rangers from the NY Parks Department while on the trail, and they're primarily looking for speedsters on scooters, motorized skateboards and class 2 violators.
Just as for any one and a half ton vehicle on the road, violations are determined be the irresponsible users, not their vehicles.
I've stated it many times before on this forum, there should be:

Speed Restrictions not Class Restrictions!

On my Class 3 ebike, I can go as slow as any other class ebike.
I don't know if there's any real enforcement in NY state. We saw a rider on a noisy gas scooter fly past us last year on a bike path near Ft. Edward, and again this past Spring on the Warren County bikeway. I'm pretty sure it was the same guy. Rules, shmuuls when you're entitled. I hope the rangers caught up with this guy.
I don't know if there's any real enforcement in NY state. We saw a rider on a noisy gas scooter fly past us last year on a bike path near Ft. Edward, and again this past Spring on the Warren County bikeway. I'm pretty sure it was the same guy. Rules, shmuuls when you're entitled. I hope the rangers caught up with this guy.
Sadly, idiots like this will still be doing it long after their actions get ALL e-bikes banned.
Many complaints by riders of Class I and some Class III bikes where the rider gets up to near 18 mph and then the motor cuts out and it feels like the brakes have been applied. For me that would negate riding and e-bike. I bought a Specialized Creo Turbo SL and it is a Class III and feels very much like a regular road bike when going up hills. The Creo also weighs in at around 27 lbs and so is not much heavier than a non-electric bike which makes it easier to manage when hanging it from a ceiling hook in my garage or lifting it up on a platform bike rack. Also light enough that most bike racks can be used.