Choosing a first bike - Buying from a small manufacturer... battery??


New Member
Have a short list of three bikes... two from major manufacturers..
The third is the Surface 604 Colt...
Great buy and specs for the money...
Should I be concerned about what happens if the company disappears? Most of the components are pretty stock - but it appears to have a custom battery. Should I be concerned about getting a replacement down the road?
The other two bikes have similar specs but are more money...
Thanks for any wisdom.
Court says that he's seen that same Colt battery used on Juiced cross currents. That gives you two sources. There's more for sure.

Cross Current and Colt aren't manufacturers. Like all the smaller sellers, they take bicycles being made in China and specify parts and decals to fit the US market.
Super appreciate the thoughts! Checked out the Juice bike you mention... and it shares probably 90% of the components of the 604 which I can buy locally. That was really helpful to know.
I always caution new eBike buyers about getting what they pay for. The sellers don't always spell out the exact components used. Often a cheap bike has the cheapest derailleurs, cheap brake pads, cheap seats, etc..... For some folks this is just fine as they will upgrade as the parts fail. Me? I like to ride more than I like to be a mechanic. Just something to consider when using price as the deciding factor.
There must be more of these batteries on other under 2K ebikes.
Rather common form-factor. E-joe Gadis comes to mind, Biktrix Jaggernaut and others. Ask them to tell you exact dimensions and compare to those others.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts... they were helpful. I'm looking forward to test riding a few.... winter is putting in last gasp effort here. So have to wait a couple of weeks for the last of the snow to melt...