Chain Skip


Well-Known Member
New BH Rebel Lite Full suspension. 27.5" tires, Yamaha PW-se. Maybe a couple hundred miles on the bike.

My chain skips on a couple middle gears. It does it under heavy load and light spinning.

Also, it doesn't shift cleanly into these gears and ghost shifts occasional between these gears.

Derailleur adjustment?
That would be my first plan of attack! Soon! The chain should be centered on each gear as you engage each one. Running off to one side means it's not adjusted right, or something is going on with the derailleur during it's travel. Like linkage in need of lube for instance....

Make sure there's nothing dragging on the derailleur during that part of it's travel.
Derailleur adjustment is usually an issue with the outer gears and the two stop screws. If it's just a couple of middle gears, you should inspect the gears themselves. If all the gears skipped, then it could be some cable stretch. Short mileage, but you should also check the chain wear. Also check the derailleur arm and make sure it's parallel to the wheel and not bent.
It was a cable stretch issue. I made sure the limit screws were right, then I adjusted the cable barrel and it solved the problem.
Shifting like it should now.