Cell Phone Power From Mastermind TCD-W USB C Connector


Winthrop, Maine
The USB C connector on the TCD-W head unit can supply 1 amp to a connected device as stated in the Tero manual. I connected my phone, an Android LG Stylo 5 to it and was able to run the phone and simultaneously charge it. This will solve the problem of phone batteries dying on longer rides. The cable I used is shown here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/353814694201?hash=item5260ffc939:g:tpQAAOSwVNRhuwNn The right angle connector plugs neatly into the head unit, and the wire easily connects with the phone.
this is great. i wish they put a little USB C charging port on the bike itself! (but i can understand why they don't ...)