Can you name e-bikes which have this configuration? Or almost.


Active Member
Can you name e-bikes which have the following?

1) 750 W (nominal) mid-drive w/ 90 Nm minimum or Bosch 250 w or similar
2) Front suspension
3) 2.4 inch wide tires (or greater)
4) Step-through frame
5) Throttle
6) Torque sensing
7) 26 inch tires

That should do me. I can make some concessions (i.e., one thing or another can be missing), but it must have the power and torque and no 20" wheel bikes.
I have a few, but I know there are more out there. 4K is about the limit.

Okay, gents. Dazzle me with your knowledge. ;)
DŌST ebikes - Drop model
DOST Drop comes with 27.5" tires, not 26". Otherwise, DOST does meet the other specs. So does Watt Wagons new UCP Pro Step Thru with better components but much higher price.
The website states that assist type is cadence, not torque sensor otherwise all the other specs are met.
Good eye, I forgot they were cadence.
Maybe check out the Ariel Rider C-Class, its only a 500watt motor but it does provide 90nm of torque
it has everything the OP wanted

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If you simply cannot find what you want in the OEM world of ebikes (more and more options coming out every month thankfully) then you could look into finding the exact bike you want in an acoustic model and then a conversion kit to meet your ebike requirements, within a $4K (USD I assume?) budget for sure.

Of course OEM is turnkey and built from the ground up so always look at them first. My recommendation is coming from someone who started with conversions (before finding this forum) and one of the only strengths I have seen the conversion options have is true 'exact what I want, no exceptions' configurations.

That and well, I enjoy working on/upgrading my bikes as a healthy choice hobby (versus sitting at the desk like I have for 25 years) as well.

Good luck in your search!