B’TWIN Hoptown 500


New Member

I’m new to this so I don’t know if I’m posting this question in the right place.
I own a B’TWIN Hoptown 500 and need to find a travel case for this bike that airlines accept, preferably one made specifically for it. I’ve been searching for a while and the only thing I’ve found that comes close is the B&W M Folding Bicycle Transport Case. Any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Hi Tfluis,

I also own the Hoptown 500. When transporting it on an airline you should bring the battery to the airport before your flight. Take it to the airline that you will be flying with. The Watt Hours are clearly marked on the battery, so they may just tag the battery as being okay to travel with. If not you will have to take it through the inspection and then they may mark it. It will still have to be packed in your take on bags and you must show the battery to them again right before you take your flight. As far as, the folded bike itself, it must go in checked baggage. I would use a hard case, but it does not have to be an expensive case. Just any suitcase or other luggage that the folded bike will fit in. If you think it will move around too much, just add some padding or other items around it, so it stays in one place.
Hi Eugene,

Thank you for your suggestions. I ended up buying a hard case made by a German company, B&W (Foldon Box M.) It was rather expensive, but I believe worth the expense. It is big, but the Hoptown fits in nicely, as opposed to all the others I checked. Although the box has its own padding, I will add extra padding inside to avoid damage from it banging around inside the box. Maybe a couple of cushions or a pillow will do the trick. Thou my wife works for the airline, I will bring the battery to them before the trip so that they can tag it and avoid trouble with TSA at the time of checking in.

Once again thank you,
Hi Tfluis,

I actually flew with the battery in my carry-on and had no problems in two flights, from Nice, France to London and from London to LAX.

I could not find a case that the Hoptown 500 would fit into in France. How did you purchase the B&W (Foldon Box M) and what are its dimensions? How much does the case weigh? Have you transported your bike using it, yet? I have to bring my bike to the states and am still looking for a case.

All The Best,
That must be a European flight then...I thought airlines were quite adamant not to take on board any e-bike batteries. They have to be under 100 watts or small batteries like those with iPads, phones and other smaller electronics. I don't think this works in Canada or maybe even in the US.
Hi Tim, Where did you fly with your bike and did the case you bought work with no problems. Did you have to also pay for oversizer luggage?