Brake Pads for Kommoda


New Member
I'm looking to replace the brake pads on my Kommoda and not sure what to buy. They are Zoom brakes and a quick search on Amazon brings up about twenty different sets of pads for Zoom hydrolic brakes. Does anyone know which model of Zoom brakes are on this bike? Many of the photos of the pads for sale look like what is on my bike but they have different stock numbers. I appreciate any help and, Happy Holidays!
The KOMMODA has a very good user group on Facebook. Give them a try. If you’re understandably anti-facebook, l’ll post an inquiry for you.
Thanks arcom. I was able to contact Cyrusher support and they helped me out. Now if I can just bleed the brakes without getting mineral oil on the pads this time, all will be well.
Did you ever figure out what the part number is to replace those brake pads? I'm in exactly the same situation. And while cyrusher will sell me replacement brake pads there's no information on the website for you to determine what part it is. I really love my bike but I'm sure they're overcharging me for the pads
Question: I'm not too thrilled with these zoom brakes, anyone have an upgrade to suggest? Because I'd swap the system out for something better in a heartbeat ----I'm not on fb.