Bosch battery charger on timer


New Member

I have my Bosch battery charger on a wall timer to charge for a specific time duration overnight to prevent the battery from being charged all the way to 100%. Is anyone able to confirm if having the battery plugged into the charger with the wall power off will 'leak'/discharge power from the battery?

This is probably psychological, but I feel I get less range if I leave the battery on the charger with the power off vs unplugging the battery right after the charger is off.


I have my Bosch battery charger on a wall timer to charge for a specific time duration overnight to prevent the battery from being charged all the way to 100%. Is anyone able to confirm if having the battery plugged into the charger with the wall power off will 'leak'/discharge power from the battery?

This is probably psychological, but I feel I get less range if I leave the battery on the charger with the power off vs unplugging the battery right after the charger is off.


I have my Bosch battery charger on a wall timer to charge for a specific time duration overnight to prevent the battery from being charged all the way to 100%. Is anyone able to confirm if having the battery plugged into the charger with the wall power off will 'leak'/discharge power from the battery?

This is probably psychological, but I feel I get less range if I leave the battery on the charger with the power off vs unplugging the battery right after the charger is off.

If your ebike has a battery level display in percentage charge you could easily test it to give you peace of mind. With charger plugged in but turned off, take a battery level reading then turn the bike/display off. After a few hours (overnight?), turn bike/display on and take second reading.


PS I generally don't charge my bike unattended eg overnight.
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you would have to have a nyon or kiox to see battery percentage. but I have my charger on a auto timer just because its hooked to other chargers too so no use having them all on when not in use. but I have not seen any lose ever. Because with the bosch system everything shuts down atthe end of a charge and it wont start up again unless you turn the charger back on or un plug and plug it back in.
For safety unattended Ok buf the Bosch battery management system will maintain your battery without having to sort an 80% charge level. Riders ate getting 12,000-14,000 miles out of a battery. If doesn’t get better!!!
For safety unattended Ok buf the Bosch battery management system will maintain your battery without having to sort an 80% charge level. Riders ate getting 12,000-14,000 miles out of a battery. If doesn’t get better!!!
14k is nothing I hit that mark and the battery is still fine. I ahd the auto timer from the bike before bosch so I sue it to turn on the charger after a hour so the battery has time to warm or cool down.