Blevo and Mission Control both be paired or not?


Well-Known Member
northWET washington
I want battery health info and apparently Mission Control merely reports 100% and no other values? True?

I have tried pairing Blevo with my Creo. (I think I did that about a year or so ago but don't recall). Can pairing with Mission Control co-exist with Blevo. I really don't want to unpair mission. I just want it not running if I am trying to run Blevo.

Can they both be installed? Android phone
I want battery health info and apparently Mission Control merely reports 100% and no other values? True?

Can pairing with Mission Control co-exist with Blevo.
Yes, both devices can be paired.

Can they both be installed? Android phone
Yes, they can.

You cannot connect both apps at the same time as they try to occupy the same Bluetooth channel. Choose one. If you, for example, have connected Mission Control to your Creo, you have to kill the MC instance before starting BLEvo. Click the bottom "hamburger menu" in Android and swipe the MC "window" up to kill the instance.
Mission Control must be paired and connected first. Then, kill the MC instance and start working with BLEvo.
I want battery health info and apparently Mission Control merely reports 100% and no other values? True?

I have tried pairing Blevo with my Creo. (I think I did that about a year or so ago but don't recall). Can pairing with Mission Control co-exist with Blevo. I really don't want to unpair mission. I just want it not running if I am trying to run Blevo.

Can they both be installed? Android phone
@kahn Mission Control makes a lot of statistics available. Included are:
Distance from Start
Time from Start
Time (current time)
Current Speed
Average Speed
Current Battery Level (WH)
Current Battery Level (%)
Current Battery Consumption (WH)
Average Battery Consumption (WH/MI)
Calories (KCAL)
Current Heart Rate
Average Heart Rate
Rider Power (W)
Motor Power (W)
Current Cadence (RPM)
Average Cadence (RPM)
Current Assist Mode
Current Motor Support (%)
Current Elevation (FT)

If you select RIDE, and then select the STATS tab, There is a screen that can be customized to show six of these statistics.. On my Tero 5, I have MC set to show Rider Power, Motor Power, Battery Level in WH, Average Battery Consumption in WH/mi, Distance from Start, and Current Battery Consumption in WH. When my bike was new, Dec. 13, 2021, the current 100% battery level was 710 wh or so. Now that my bike has been used a bit, and the battery has aged a couple of years, when I charge it to 100%, MC shows 648 WH at the start of a ride. Usually I charge it to 80%, using the Charge Limit.
I want battery health info and apparently Mission Control merely reports 100% and no other values? True?

I have tried pairing Blevo with my Creo. (I think I did that about a year or so ago but don't recall). Can pairing with Mission Control co-exist with Blevo. I really don't want to unpair mission. I just want it not running if I am trying to run Blevo.

Can they both be installed? Android phone
MC reports the initial charge of my Vado battery as 595 Wh.
BLEvo reports it as 532 Wh.
Which value to trust?

Necessary to mention BLEvo reports the SL batteries status accurately.

P.S. Here are the stats for the weakest Vado battery I own (120 recharges)
MC: 556 Wh
BLEvo: 497 Wh.

Why do I have a feeling I am cheated by Mission Control? BLEvo gives me the exact history of the battery charge for my rides, and I am inclined to trust BLEvo.
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Okay, some more questions.

I just got a new Android phone. I had to pair with the Creo. Opened Mission Control and when pairing, the TCU (or top tube thingie) started to blink. Added the code and it paired.

Blevo - I again, tried pairing on the new phone. No blinking. I hit scan - no results. It says Bike: No Bike. But I think in Bike Setup, it showed my Creo serial number.
Okay, some more questions.

I just got a new Android phone. I had to pair with the Creo. Opened Mission Control and when pairing, the TCU (or top tube thingie) started to blink. Added the code and it paired.

Blevo - I again, tried pairing on the new phone. No blinking. I hit scan - no results. It says Bike: No Bike. But I think in Bike Setup, it showed my Creo serial number.
Are you sure Mission Control was killed before you tried pairing with BLEvo?

-- Help, help! My car got stolen!
-- I cannot help you.
-- I'm a horse.
View attachment 158783
-- Help, help! My car got stolen!
-- I cannot help you.
-- I'm a horse.
Is that Polish humor? Or maybe what purports to be Polish Humor? ;)

In any event, something finally clicked (and, yes, Mission Control was NOT loaded even before this)

Sniff, my Battery Health has slipped. It may be worse than my own health 🤪


So, thanks, Horse, for sticking with me!
Is that Polish humor?
It is one of the best known Polish memes ;) Meaning the person you are asking for help is helpless himself :)

What is the difference between 'miles' and 'real miles'??
Kahn should have a look at the Bike Setup page and make sure the Wheel Circumference is set properly there. If the value of WhC is set to be as it is in the e-bike, the Miles and Real Miles should be the same number.

BLEvo can work in conjunction with Velociraptor, a speed derestriction device. Velociraptor cheats the e-bike as to the actual cruising speed (and the distance ridden). To make the speed and distance reported be true in BLEvo, there are settings for that. The Miles is the distance e-bike believes it was ridden for. Real Miles is the corrected value. To give the short answer: Just set the WhC in BLEvo correctly and the two numbers will match.

@kahn: if you waited more, the number of recharges would pop up, too!
@Stefan Mikes

I recalled the Blevo had wheel circumference settings. I did look at the docs but they did not mention REAL kilo/miles on Real Wheel.... I had a feeling it had something to do with that.

Thanks for clarifying.
I want battery health info and apparently Mission Control merely reports 100% and no other values? True?

I have tried pairing Blevo with my Creo. (I think I did that about a year or so ago but don't recall). Can pairing with Mission Control co-exist with Blevo. I really don't want to unpair mission. I just want it not running if I am trying to run Blevo.

Can they both be installed? Android phone
I finally paired my wahoo element with the specialized app so I can see info super easy