BionX losing power after 3 minutes on hill


New Member
I’m new to BionX but a friend has one too. When we ride up steep hills, we are both in 4 assist yet mine seems to lose its power assist after 3 minutes or less!i have to work very hard to get up the hill. She seems to have adequate power. Both bikes and Bionix are new. Is there some sort of problem or control I can change?
¿Is your body weight greater than your friend's?
@Eyeclark, could be a few things here; let's start with the basics: what BionX system you have:
  • 48V or 36V,
  • Year model if you know it.
  • Motor size compared to your friend's.
  • New as in you just bought them or new as in they were just recently manufactured and purchased from a shop?
  • What is the type of battery (look on the backside of the charger for this info)
  • How have you kept it charged...?
Those are starter questions we'd ask in our shop to help you figure out what is happening. Also have to consider the rider weight along with which system you're riding and the terrain which can all impact performance.

Have you reached out to wherever you both bought the ebikes? If it is a shop, they should be able to do a thorough diagnostic on you bike. Specific information on your BionX system is all coded on the motor, battery, charger/power supply & console. All of those numbers include a production date and other relevant information about battery voltage, motor wattage, etc.

It would be easy to say that this is just a bad battery; however, it may not. The charger or power supply (depending upon which system you have) might be causing your battery to undercharge. It could also be one group of cells inside the battery that are bad or underinflated tires or improperly adjusted brakes dragging that can be an issue. And it may also be something totally different caused by the internal controller or motor. Need a lot more information before being able to hone down on your ebike's issue.

Our shop has worked with BionX products before they even had lithium batteries. If you have an ebike shop that you can reach with experience with BionX systems this may be the fastest route for you to find an answer. They may be able to put a meter on the battery & also measure charger output and provide a more clear answer for you.
Thanks for lots of hints to consider Ann M. So, my bike is a handcycle and my friend got exactly he same bike at exactly the same time month ago. I’m sure the company that biphilda the bikes has a bit of experience with Bionix but he is the only manufacturer in Canada and located on Gabriela island. I won’t be travelling there.
My friend and I have both handcycle for many years on non-Bionix and I know I’m stronger than her. We weigh about the same. We ride on exactly the same route. Our tires are properly inflated, etc.
I will look to see the model I have, and compare it with hers. I already compared her ‘setup’ and it’s exactly as mine.I have charged mine three times and it always shows its charged when I’m losing power. We have both gone about 450 km on the new bikes and I use my Bionix less than her when we ride except for hills, I use the same.
I will start to compare dare of manufacture and other power settings.
So, now even on 4 bars of power assist, it feels like the Bionix only gives one bar. The accelerate button still gives good power. I checked the charge to be full and all the connections are solid. Any ideas? I plan to try my friends identical battery next.
. Swapping batteries and compare performance. That's the right way to diagnose it. Quite possible you have a weak cell in the battery, and given Bionx' focus on diagnostics, perhaps your dealer has the test gear to check.