Thanks for lots of hints to consider Ann M. So, my bike is a handcycle and my friend got exactly he same bike at exactly the same time month ago. I’m sure the company that biphilda the bikes has a bit of experience with Bionix but he is the only manufacturer in Canada and located on Gabriela island. I won’t be travelling there.
My friend and I have both handcycle for many years on non-Bionix and I know I’m stronger than her. We weigh about the same. We ride on exactly the same route. Our tires are properly inflated, etc.
I will look to see the model I have, and compare it with hers. I already compared her ‘setup’ and it’s exactly as mine.I have charged mine three times and it always shows its charged when I’m losing power. We have both gone about 450 km on the new bikes and I use my Bionix less than her when we ride except for hills, I use the same.
I will start to compare dare of manufacture and other power settings.