Biktrix stunner lt - discontinuing 20"?


New Member
I'm moving to a place with a garage next month, so I've been waiting to buy a stunner LT 20". Went to the site the other day and the link to size small goes to a page only offering 24" and 26" tires.

I asked via their site live chat about it and was just told they only have the 24 and 26 available.

Biktrix is still selling the Kutty with 20", and the upcoming moto seems to have 20", so I assume they're not just out of stock on tires.

Anyone know if they're permanently dropping the 20"? Do I need to try to find one through secondary sellers if that's the bike I really want?

Thanks for any insight anyone has!
I dont think the 20" is discontinued, i think its just sold out for the time being. I just bought a Stunner X 24" a month ago and have noticed a lot of the models have been selling out, its probably just that time of year. If you can find the 20" for sale on another website you may want to purchase it before the bike sells out.
I can't believe I've been sitting here waiting til Spring to buy.... Like everyone else!