Biktrix full-suspension purpose-built ebike

Pics please, as I have to wait a week to see mine LOL. I don't plan on much off road with mine, so I have some Schwabe Marathon HS420 waiting to slap on. I ride 100 miles + a week on a non ebike, so I wanted a bike that would save my legs and butt on the off training days. I have no intentions of giving up my regular bike, just wanted a fun bike to ride on the off days. The suspension and assist should keep my legs and butt fresh LOL.

By what way, what is the spring rate on the rear shock? Does it say?

Pics please, as I have to wait a week to see mine LOL. I don't plan on much off road with mine, so I have some Schwabe Marathon HS420 waiting to slap on. I ride 100 miles + a week on a non ebike, so I wanted a bike that would save my legs and butt on the off training days. I have no intentions of giving up my regular bike, just wanted a fun bike to ride on the off days. The suspension and assist should keep my legs and butt fresh LOL.

By what way, what is the spring rate on the rear shock? Does it say?

Wow, it sounds like the MAX drive will be a hard competitor against the Bosch and Yamaha drive. how was the torque sensor on the MAX drive compare to your hub drive torque sensor?

The torque sensor in the Max drive is vastly superior to the hub drive version in my old bike. In the old bike you could "feel" the torque sensor responding to your efforts, (sometimes in an unexpected way - too much or too little). The Max torque unit is almost imperceptible (as it should be), the power is always there, in just the right amount, no surging, no waiting, just perfect.

Possibly another way of expressing it the power is: the Monte Capro responds like a normal bike being ridden in a lower gear.

The Max drive is virtually silent. Under heavy load, it has a quiet whine, much like a luxury turbo diesel, Quiet, distant - but you know it's working hard.

The rear suspension shock is 1200 in/pounds.
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The Kendra tires are well suited to the pavement and hard pack dirt riding I have done so far. The tires wride on a smooth Center rib and the "traction nubs" don't touch the pavement. Therefore tire tires give good dry pavement traction with no tread vibration or howl.
Unofficial battery life report - spent the day on the excellent bike trails around our cabin. I spend most of the day riding at power setting 1 (of 5) and used the gearing extensively (more on that later). There were a number of hills which could not be climbed in first gear and the lowest power level. For these hills low gear and level 3 or 4 (of 5) required to make the top. You can tell these climbs really sap the battery.

The battery lasted 50.4 miles before I was getting the flashing battery display. I didn't continue until the battery was dead as I understand this shortens their life cycles.

The gearing and shifter work very well. I was able to select lower gears under power with little protest from the drivetrain. The gearing seems about right for average riding, The bike has the power to climb anything an average rider will tackle and cadence has me topping out at about 25 MPH, I've seen 30 but I couldn't pedal that fast for long!

The Max drive climbs hills very well, there was no protest when levels 3 or 4 were required due to the grade. (I'm 58 years old and not in particularly good shape). I did not push the drive to its maximum by using taller gears and level 5, that will be another day.
I received my Montecapro today. UPS banged the box up a bit, as the forks were poking through the box. However no noticeable scratches or dings, just some small scuff on the fork dropouts (who cares). Build quality is a bit better than I expected for the price. The wheels are nice and true, everything is tight, and wiring is very neat. It took me about 1 hour to assemble adjust everything to my liking. First thing I did is replace the grips, as I am just more comfortable with my favorite locking grips.

I have not had a chance to ride the bike yet, as its pouring rain and its late. But looking forward to it!

A couple nice surprises. First off Roshan included a bike mount bluetooth speaker! wasn't expecting to see that in the box LOL (Thanks Roshan!!!). I doubt that is a standard feature, but maybe a gift for being in the first batch. The bike included welgo pedals which are much nice than the ones pictured on the website.

Next step is to change out the tires tomorrow, because I ride 99% paved trails. The knobby kendra tires it comes with are just fine, I just like my Schwabe Marathons :)

Only thing else I plan to do is replace the rear shock with one that has lockout.

Here is a bad pic, as the lighting is not good. I will post more pics and thoughts after I get a chance to ride it.

monte by Willam Hemmingsen, on Flickr
Thats really nice looking bike. Can't wait to hear about the ride quality and how well the MAX drive function.
Nice. Mine is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. It's been many years since I've had a bike and looking for some advice on what might be the best luggage rack to put on one of these. I will sometime want to commute to work, so will have laptop and change of clothes etc. Other times I want to ride some trails and will be carrying some heavy camera gear. I'm thinking something like removable saddle bags and maybe a top box but not really sure what I need/want so any help appreciated
Wow finally had a chance to ride the bike. This is my first ever ebike, so I have no other reference. All I can say is wow, what fun! I can ride only in level 2 as anything more is just too much power for me LOL. I ride 80-100 miles a week on a regular bike for fitness, so I can put out plenty of power on my own. At level 1 I am able to maintain an average 20mph with the same effort as 12-15mph, at level 2 I can maintain 20mph with the same effort as a slow 8-10mph. At level 3+ no effort at all.

The drive is very quiet and smooth. Not sure there is a shift sensor or not, but as a regular rider, I always let off when shifting. Derailleur is aligned and shifts perfect.

Changed out my tires this morning to Schwabe Marathon's which makes it roll very well on the road.

I have no issues what so ever with this bike, if I have to make any nit pick at all, the stock rear shock is a tad bouncy. I plan to replace it with one with lockout at some point.

Can't be happier with the bike for the money! I will update more after I get more miles under my belt. I'm looking forward to testing out the range I can get.

One note to anyone wondering about the color. The bike is advertised as Mauve. I was a bit worried it would have a purple/pink hue. The actual color looks like a nice metallic blue color. I see no Mauve at all.

I updated the rear shock, the original was a bit bouncy. The new shock has rebound adjustment which helps. This shock is rated at the same as original 1200lbs/in. I wanted a lockout shock, but finding one that high of spring rate is hard.

Plus it just looks better too :)

This shock is 185mm 1200lb and is an exact fit.


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You may want to go through the suspension bolts on the rear suspension and swingarm. Mine did not have any lock-tight and they became very loose. This may have been just mine, but its always a good idea to check all the bolts are torqued and lock-tight anywhere there is a pivot point (swingarm & suspension).


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