Biktrix: An 8-month journey into delays, empty promises, and outright lies

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"Oh and just so you know, we stated 9sp Deore for components on Ultra 1000 and FS - and all early adopters got free upgrade to a 10sp Deore. It's not a crazy big deal but it is a bonus for those who stuck with us. "

I pre-orded and I never got a 10 speed and I am still waiting for my fenders and rear rack.

Rack and fenders shipping this week. We just got them in. You'll also get a couple of goodies in there with them.
I would love to believe that. As I said in my post, I did look through the entire box. I told you in the email that I did not, to see what you would say.... The only thing in there was the bike and the box that had my parts from the previous bike. There was no extra battery and no box with anything.... maybe they fell out of the box during shipment? ;) A battery, out of all the things you mentioned, would have been obvious... it just wasn't in there.

No way! Did you take pictures of the inside? Was the charger box in there? We had 3 other boxes in there other than the charger box.
I actually have a team of 4 people who work on shipping/receiving. The packing was done by a third party and the boxes looked good when they left our warehouse. We have no way to age test boxes - the first 10 bikes we shipped this batch had issues with boxes only when it went to a few states in the US. Boxes shipped within Canada had no issues and also other states in the US had no problems. When customers reported this, we looked into it and did what we had to to fix the packaging on the next 89 bikes that left. UPS also investigated into it and told us that 3 of their hubs use automated conveyor belt system that dings up boxes pretty bad and that not all boxes go through those big hubs.
MisterM I have to say it. Didn’t you get a full refund on your purchase? It really is not very becoming and takes away from your credibility by your tone and confrontational nature. I believe you have had your opportunity to voice your concerns far more then I would allow on message board admin has let you. I think we get you had some definite issues but your continued negativity is clearly defining who you are on EBR. I could understand if you where out thousands of dollars but you are not. So can you please move on and let the rest of the population come to their own conclusions as it relates to our purchasing decisions. I appreciate your stance but the continued negativity towards Roshan and Bitrix is getting old.

This is coming from a new guy. I am definitely not telling you how to carry yourself in your virtual persona just making you aware of how you are coming across by myself.

I hope you can move on.

Thank you.
We all understand that someone can have a difficult experience with a manufacturer; however, it is not fair for people who have received a fair resolution with full $$ refunded to continue to berate that company. This is not what EBR is here for. When the majority of folks have a good experience with a company that gets drowned out by vindictive threads like this. If you note, Roshan, the owner of Biktrix did respond to the OP with a full refund and has also responded on this thread. In my 17 years in the E-Bike business, I have not met one single manufacturer, including the big name mainstream manufacturers, who hasn't had delivery time issues or QC issues at some point.

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